Curb Power of Career Politicians With Term Limits

Target: Kevin McCarthy, Speaker of the House

Goal: Advocate for term limits in both the House and the Senate.

While the prolonged selection of a new House speaker continued for days, several issues were put on the table. One of the proposals with the most popular support was the idea of term limits in Congress. Currently, at least 11 House or Senate members have spent more than three decades in political office. One election is hardly ended before campaigns and fundraising events for reelection commence. Today’s politicians seem more concerned with staying in power by any means necessary than with serving their constituents. A new House resolution, proposed and ultimately rejected several times previously, could help change the narrative.

H.J.Res.11 would set term limits to a maximum of three for House representatives and two for senators. If passed, the result would mean that no newly elected member of the House could serve more than six years in office, and no member of the Senate could serve more than 12 years. While reelection politics would still be an issue, at least no Congressional member could make a career out of the position at the expense of serving the public interest.

Sign the petition below to support this needed step towards a more open political landscape.


Dear Speaker McCarthy,

Politics for too long has been a game of winning and reelection rather than a platform for the people. Career politics is a major part of the problem. Presidents in this country have term limits so that the highest position in the land will not transform into a dictatorship more beholden to power grabs than to public service. Congress should be no different.

Honor your vow to give Congressional term limits a fair chance. Help ensure the People’s House is an evolving and forward-looking representative of Americans.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Cristina Glebova

One Comment

  1. Linda Hilty-Tuttle says:

    YES, TERM LIMITS are sorely needed!

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253 Signatures

  • J. David Scott
  • Janice Bernard
  • Doug Phillips
  • Doug Phillips
  • jacci russ
  • Julia Linke
  • Beate Aurich
  • Andreas Dorst
  • Sandra Dorst
  • Lori Lorentz
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