Pet Husky Reportedly Tied Up, Shot With Crossbow and Dumped in River by Owner Deserves Justice

Target: Montgomery County District Attorney Daryl D. Bailey
Goal: Seek maximum punishment for man accused of shooting dog with crossbow and dumping body in river.

A man was apparently caught on film tying his dog to a tree and shooting it with a crossbow. Reports of this brutal attack came to light after neighbors belonging to the local homeowner’s association claimed to have security footage of this heinous event.

Officials with the Montgomery Humane Society were called to the neighborhood, where they received testimony and viewed the footage that appeared to record the brutal killing.

The video apparently shows Charles Graves placing his large white and grey female husky mix on a tether.

“Mr. Graves returns to his vehicle, retrieves his crossbow, and shoots the dog,” the humane officer wrote in the report. “Then [he] begins to drag the dog to the top of the hill and pushed the dog into the [river].”

Although Graves was arrested, he is being held on only $2,500 bail.


Dear District Attorney Bailey,

According to reports, a man tied his dog to a tree, shot her with a crossbow, and dumped the body in a river. Reports of this brutal attack came to light after neighbors belonging to the local homeowner’s association claimed to have security footage of this heinous event.

Officials with the Montgomery Humane Society were called to the neighborhood, where they received testimony and viewed the footage that appeared to record the brutal killing.

According to Humane Society officials, after tying his dog up, “Mr. Graves returns to his vehicle, retrieves his crossbow, and shoots the dog. Then [he] begins to drag the dog to the top of the hill and pushed the dog into the [river].”

Although Graves was arrested, he is being held on only $2,500 bail.

Animal abuse is a horrific crime that is often under-prosecuted. We ask that you conduct a vigorous prosecution and seek the maximum penalty in this case.

[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Tranmautritam



  2. barry farley says:

    What is wrong with this damn country that allow these heinous crimes to being perpetrated by damn scumbags of the earth to allow them to get away with killing helpless and defenseless animals. RIP in peace poor defenseless dog. You didn’t deserve this treatment by this scumbag. You are now in God’s hands where you would be loved. May this scumbag get the treatment By God’s hands and have him die by the same treatment that he gave to this poor helpless dog and sent to hell. We need judges on the court that aren’t afraid to give harsh treatments to these scums of the earth.

    • Patricia Lamonica says:


    • Naomi Paula Lichtner says:

      Yes we do. Too bad it’s so far from reality. If the punishment , regardless of the cause, was “an eye for an eye” then 90% of this would stop. Especially the incredibly sadistic. They are monsters but underneath it all they are cowards.

  3. do the same to him

  4. Mary Hirose says:

    A lifetime ban is needed: from owning, caring for, possessing, and from residing in any house where ANY animal is present.
    He needs to forfeit any animals currently in his possession, and also pay back costs for all veterinary care if applicable. Let’s be serious about saving animals’ lives. Thank you.

  5. Marie Meyers says:

    He needs to have a harsh sentence. This MUST STOP

  6. Daryl – If this crime happened to a human, you would certainly prosecute to the fullest extent allowed under Indiana law. And while myself and everyone else who signed this Petition would like to see Charles Graves removed from the Gene Pool, the best we can hope for is an animal cruelty conviction and jail time. So please do the job you were hired to do and put this uneducated assbite behind bars!!!

  7. Susan Rodriguez says:

    This cannot go unpunished! This man needs to be locked up and banned from ever owning any animal. It’s hard to understand what is happening, cruelty definitely seems to be on the rise.

  8. Terri Keppler says:

    Some humans are just despicable. He should have his forehead branded with the statement, “animal abuser”. He should be banned from being around animals and children.

    • Face branding is an excellent idea! We all know his court punishment will be a pathetic excuse for “justice”. But at least face branding will let every single person who encounters him to know that here walks a monster. I hope at some point he meets the fate he is destined for.

  9. TAMMY KRAUS says:

    This POS should be shot!
    Ignorant son of a batch.

  10. Sandra Harris says:


  11. This is a deranged, psychotic, and dangerous coward who needs to be punished to the fullest extent of the law. Everyone knows the link between those who torture and murder animals is just a hairs breath away from doing the same to humans. This coward should be held accountable for his horrific actions; behind bar time of at least 3-6 months, a hefty monetary fine, banned from owning any firearms and bows for life, and the same for owning pets or animals of any kind.

  12. Absolutely disgusting and cruel. The horror thinking about this dog, who trusted this man, watching him aim at her. 💔That beautiful soul deserved so much more and as far as I am concerned was so incredibly much more valuable than the filth that did this to her. Fly free angel 💔😭🙏🌈🐾

    But just watch…he’ll get absolutely nothing done to him. That’s why these pathetic monsters do this sorta of thing-they know they get away with it.

  13. Jaime Perez says:

    What in the hell is wrong with this cretin? If he didn’t want his dog, then why didn’t he just take her to a shelter? He didn’t have to murder her in cold blood! Get him out of society, he doesn’t belong with descent people. His “punishment” is a joke!!

  14. Nadine+brundage says:

    Mr. Graves needs jail time for horrific cruelty, do not let this demented scum loose on society. That ridiculous bail fee is what encourages other sickos to commit crimes and animal cruelty. These low life’s know they can get away with the usual slap on the wrist. Some judicial system let the scum of the earth walk away without any consequences.

  15. Tamela Bare says:

    Eye for an eye x 2.

  16. I agree with everything said here but we all know the maximum is unlikely and even if he gets it, it will not be nearly enough.

  17. John Booth says:

    Put a crosssbow bolt through this piece of shit and leave him to it. That would be justice!

  18. F and F = Find him and Fuck him!

  19. Maria Lavorato says:

    PSYCHO BASTARD. Kill him the same way he did his sweet innocent husky.

    This person needs to pay and pay with his life. Either kill him or charge him with MURDER! He cannot be allowed to roam FREE!



  20. This guy should be removed from the gene pool. Either hang or shoot him!

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