Support Democratic Elections to Get the House in Order

Target: Kevin McCarthy, U.S. Representative

Goal: Support change in House rules to plurality vote for speakership.

The battle for the position that is second in line to the presidency has devolved into a spectacle not seen in over a century. After roughly a dozen votes dragged out over multiple days, the House of Representatives failed to elect its speaker and leader. Once the dust has finally settled in this political game, the American people will once again be the real losers.

Without a speaker, this chamber of Congress is essentially at a standstill. No legislation is being debated or proposed, no committees are being formed, and the elected representatives themselves are not even officially House members yet. Essentially, these representatives of the people have wasted nearly a week in office fighting amongst themselves rather than getting the work of the people who elected and supported them done. What is happening, however, are back-room deals (out of the view of the people, of course) in which contenders essentially sell their principles and their political souls for a chance at power.

The country owes this debacle to yet another outdated governmental process that gives grossly over-weighted influence to a small minority. Under current rules, a candidate for the speakership needs to win 218 votes in order to secure the role. This country is supposed to operate under a democracy, so a simplification to whomever gets the most votes (a plurality) should suffice and avoid unnecessary and destructive drama.

Sign the petition below to urge leaders to cut out the chaos and support stability and the democratic way.


Dear Representative McCarthy,

The House of Representatives has spent the first week of its term not rolling up its sleeves and getting work done but instead making a spectacle and embarrassment of itself in front of the nation and the world. All of the values and issues for which you and every representative were elected have taken a backseat to another tired game of political one-upsmanship. The people deserve better.

End this madness, act like representatives of a functioning democracy, and let he or she who gets the most votes lead this chamber. If the process drags on any longer, put your personal ambitions aside, put your oath first, and support a change to the rules from a majority to a plurality. And if you are elected speaker, support such a measure (along with a possible secret ballot to avoid intimidation) to prevent any more stains on this chamber’s reputation and legitimacy.

The business of America is waiting.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Office of the Speaker of the House

One Comment

  1. Gilda Provenzano says:

    LMAO!!!! CONservative clown traiters.

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298 Signatures

  • J. David Scott
  • Janice Bernard
  • Doug Phillips
  • Doug Phillips
  • jacci russ
  • Julia Linke
  • Beate Aurich
  • Andreas Dorst
  • Sandra Dorst
  • Lori Lorentz
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