Target: SH. Abdul Aleem, Director of Prosecution for New Delhi, India
Goal: Prosecute person or persons responsible for strangling and hanging puppies to fullest extent.
Heinous cruelty against stray animals is unfortunately not a new phenomenon, and this type of crime took a new and dark turn recently in India’s capital city. A woman who dedicated her free time to feeding the area’s stray animals made a horrific discovery in a vacant lot. Two puppies, reportedly just three months old, were found hanging from a tree. An examination revealed that the young animals may have been strangled to death.
The vulnerable puppies were apparently left alone while their mother was temporarily taken away to undergo sterilization. Other puppies in the litter fortunately survived and are now receiving care. Their siblings deserve the full measure of justice, however.
Sign the petition below to urge prosecutors to seek the maximum allowable penalty when a suspect is apprehended.
Dear SH. Aleem,
The brutal slaying of two innocent puppies shook the Dwarka community and led to calls for justice from high levels of government. In response, a filing has been made by authorities under IPC Section 429. This law allows for up to five years of imprisonment for the killing or maiming of an animal.
These young animals were killed in a violent, deliberate, and torturous manner that likely made the last few moments of their short lives agony. If any case demands the most severe penalty, this horrible incident surely meets the criteria. Please ensure vigorous prosecution when an arrest is made.
[Your Name Here]
Photo Credit: Beta Xalfa
Retarded oxygen depriving trash need to be strung by two appendages if they can find them. Justice for cowards like this lump of garbage ..
Well said!!!
Totally agree! Hang the bas@#$d!!
Totally right!!!Such evil excuses for breathing!!!!!
It is so sad and this person needs punishment to the fullest by a crowd of angry people
How can people be so cruel ? What a vile thing to do , if the puppies were unwanted why not take them to a rescue centre ? The sweet babies did not ask to be borne ,it isn’t there fault ,so why do that to them ?????😡🤬😡🤬😡🤬😡🤬
Despicable 😡
Shame on the murderers! Prosecute them!!
String up the vile person who murdered these innocent puppies!
If these perpetrators are not found sadly more heinous acts will follow.
There is no torture too great for these murderers! They must be hunted down. Someone must know something.
Lawmakers who treat this as anything less than animal cruelty should lose their jobs because their lack of empathy will bring other innocent animals to a violent end. STOP THE CYCLE. PROSECUTE EVERY CASE TO THE FULL EXTENT OF THE LAW!
Ignorant murderers, may they rot in hell.
F and F which means, Find him and Fuck him!
— better still, after they follow your suggestion, and without trial proceed to hang him by his balls
Those monsters who commit such cruelty will not stop there. As much as I hope that they will be found and punished severely I also hope that karma will be swift
Place on Earth for this scum
I’m not sure there really is justice on earth for innocent animals that die in a premeditated, heinous manner (at the hands of those that “just don’t get it”). May these people be properly awakened.
Heartbreaking 💔🐶
Justice my ass!! Nothing will happen to the evil scum.
I hope they find who did it and I hope they serve him the same Justice that he gave those puppies I hope they hang him from a tree until he’s dead let him suffer let him hang and let him hang and let him hang forever
Absolutely disgusting!!! I pray that the scumbag(s) who did this is found and punished to the fullest extent of the law. I am a firm believer in an eye for an eye. This would be the best law ever and I’m certain that all crime would be significantly diminished if a law like this existed. Whoever did this should be hanged as well! One less scumbag on the planet! Oh how I would LOVE to be there to watch whoever did this hang!!!
It’s obvious that animals aren’t important in India. If the government would spay and neuter the strays maybe there wouldn’t be the huge population of strays. Therefore this cruelty wouldn’t happen. Or wouldn’t happen as often. It doesn’t take long for an animal to learn people are CRUEL
Hang them!
Catch this scum, put him in jail, tell the inmates what he did. This evil shit will get the justice he really deserves.
I agree with Maria Lavorato
“If these perpetrators are not found sadly more heinous acts will follow.
There is no torture too great for these murderers! They must be hunted down. Someone must know something.
Lawmakers who treat this as anything less than animal cruelty should lose their jobs because their lack of empathy will bring other innocent animals to a violent end. STOP THE CYCLE. PROSECUTE EVERY CASE TO THE FULL EXTENT OF THE LAW! “
These vile, mentally deranged animal killers must have the death penalty implemented and nothing less. A slow and agonizing extermination for these evil cretins is essential without delay!!