Justice for Strangled Puppies Found Hanging From Tree

Target: SH. Abdul Aleem, Director of Prosecution for New Delhi, India

Goal: Prosecute person or persons responsible for strangling and hanging puppies to fullest extent.

Heinous cruelty against stray animals is unfortunately not a new phenomenon, and this type of crime took a new and dark turn recently in India’s capital city. A woman who dedicated her free time to feeding the area’s stray animals made a horrific discovery in a vacant lot. Two puppies, reportedly just three months old, were found hanging from a tree. An examination revealed that the young animals may have been strangled to death.

The vulnerable puppies were apparently left alone while their mother was temporarily taken away to undergo sterilization. Other puppies in the litter fortunately survived and are now receiving care. Their siblings deserve the full measure of justice, however.

Sign the petition below to urge prosecutors to seek the maximum allowable penalty when a suspect is apprehended.


Dear SH. Aleem,

The brutal slaying of two innocent puppies shook the Dwarka community and led to calls for justice from high levels of government. In response, a filing has been made by authorities under IPC Section 429. This law allows for up to five years of imprisonment for the killing or maiming of an animal.

These young animals were killed in a violent, deliberate, and torturous manner that likely made the last few moments of their short lives agony. If any case demands the most severe penalty, this horrible incident surely meets the criteria. Please ensure vigorous prosecution when an arrest is made.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Beta Xalfa


  1. Meryl Kelbrick says:

    Not a good advert for any country. Lack of action will tell more of culture. Take action and that will too. Your choice.

    • Most likely this is in our country and you cannot take action if you don’t know who the perpetrators are they said they found these puppies found dead hanging from a tree they did not report and say they found someone who was hanging these puppies from a tree so with no cameras then therefore, how are you supposed to find out who did this unless they run an investigation and start asking questions in the surrounding areas then maybe they will find their answers until then or until cameras are installed everywhere and I mean everywhere unfortunately, things like this are going to happen because there are evil people out there in the world. But just know our heavenly father does not approve of people taking advantage exploiting and destroying and hurting his creations. These type of people do not get to enter on the good side of heaven do you want people like this in heaven? no neither does our heavenly father so just know that there is a consolation in the end we don’t live in these bodies forever. And these people will be judged and suffer for what they have done they don’t get away with it by no means maybe right now temporarily but in the end they do not get away with it none of us get away with anything if we do not repent and die in christ.

      • If you had read the beginning of the letter you would’ve seen that this took place in India.

      • Lyn Romaine says:

        You are so right. People have deep black holes in their chests where a heart is supposed to be. They do not have the fear of the Lord in them at all. It’s kinda scary to think what their outcome will be at the end of their lives.

    • This happened in Imdia..probably in a poverty area or uneducated citizens. They need to understand that justice will be brought to those who abuse or perform barbaric, torturing acts on animals. It’s up to everyone all over the world to educate their government on sterilizing animals (I have seen videos of adults forcing sexual acid on unhappy animals of all kinds…why is that encouraged, if no one keeps complaining or arrest them?)

      • Lyn Romaine says:

        The sad thing is that this is over in India and there is not a heck of a lot that we can do for those evil hearted people over there. We stand beside them in animal abuse as well. Our country is just as evil when it comes to abuse. We indulge in sexual abuse of animals and it just breaks my heart when I see this for innocent animals. There are deep dark pits in mankind’s chest where a heart is supposed to be and it is filled with every kind of evil that is in existence .

      • What does education have to do with showing compassion. This is outright cruelty and in that country nothing will be done about it.

  2. The evil soul that did this to these poor puppies must be on the brink of being a serial killer because this is just pure evil to take something so innocent and destroy it you must have a lot of hate inside of you and that is a truly evil person straight from the bloodline of Cain the first murderer!
    He may not get caught in this life but in the next one guaranteed this person is going to pay dearly for what they did and suffer terribly for their crimes that they inflict upon others God says they suffer 10 times worse than what they do to other people or even animals and that’s why God says to pray for your enemies because God says He’s going to do 10 times worse to your enemies than what your enemies did onto you.

  3. Michelle Taylor says:

    These vile, mentally deranged animal killers must have the death penalty implemented and nothing less. A slow and agonizing extermination for these cretins is essential. I am ready, willing and able to help perform this procedure!!

  4. Alice Knight says:

    This is unacceptable on so many levels! The authorities need to find who executed this atrocity. I know there are people all around the world who bat an eye to this and think it is quite acceptable. Animals are living, breathing, feeling and thinking creations. What gives anyone the right to destroy and torture them. It seems to me these or the individual(s) feel they are above anyone else and may feel they are doing a favour to their society by exterminating harmless puppies.

  5. eleanor dunkavich says:

    India is a horrible country for animals hang these bastards

    • you are so so right. a land where little girls are raped and killed while or after is not different to animals. i hate india. disgusting. a lot of sick and evil bastards there.

    • Right?!? And according to the Animal Protection Institute, which performs “animal welfare” rankings globally, India is graded C and the USA is graded D. The USA is even MORE horrific.

  6. Urszula Lund says:

    This should END all horrific mistreatment of animals in India.

  7. madeleine lajambe says:

    Whoever did this is grotesque to say the least!

  8. A to the J says:

    Unfortunately India is one of the worse countries for animal care. They on a regular basis, pave hit a dry phaly over dogs sleeping near the roads also and burn them to death. F St one thing needs to be fine to bring compassion for animals to that country. Those puppies should not have been left alone without the mother.

    • According to the Animal Protection Institute that performs global country rankings with respect to “animal welfare” issues, India is rated C and USA is rated D, which doesn’t surprise me.

  9. Jaime Perez says:

    The evil that is committed towards innocent animals is getting so out of hand! Some people are soulless devils who think its ok to harm animals. They will move onto humans next. Sadly this world is in bad shape.

    • Lyn Romaine says:

      They already have moved onto humans next. That’s why little girls are having babies at 10 years old and other atrocities are happening with them and babies.

  10. Cheryl Miller says:

    Please catch the sickos, throw them in jail and have stricter laws to protect the animals in your country!!! Poor little puppies!! So sad!!

  11. If these psychologically disturbed devils are found, hang them from the highest tree!
    How can you murder defenceless innocent puppies who don’t harm anyone. Then you are really sick in your brainless head!
    It’s rubbish you must destroy!!!

  12. To me this is budding serial killer behavior. Mark my words. Human victims will be next.

  13. Find these killers and just string them up and let them die in the exact same way – I don’t give a shit what country we are talking about the penalty should be the same worldwide for any animal abusers – DEATH!!!

  14. josie Olive says:

    These creatines need to be hog tied to a truck and dragged for miles

  15. Jeanne C Bradbury says:

    FOR THE SAFETY OF THE COMMUNITY, this total depraved mutant MUST BE FOUND AND PUT AWAY!!!!!

  16. Gerald George Ryan says:

    ANYONE AS BENT as this disgusting creep is a major threat to the entire community and MUST BE FOUND AND PROSECUTED! SOMEBODY KNOWS WHO THIS MUTAN IS, OFFER A REQARD TO FIND HIM!!

  17. Gerald George Ryan says:


  18. Jeanne C Bradbury says:

    There are definitely NON-HUMANS among us. . . THEY MUST BE FOUND, PROSECUTED AND PUT AWAY!!!

  19. Nadine+brundage says:

    Animal cruelty is world wide and so is mentally deranged humans . This country has its share of cruelty and mental cases. It’s left up to citizens to be aware of animal abusers and up to the judges and judicial system to carry out animal protection laws and put those responsible were they belong.

    Yesterday I signed a petition regarding puppies thrown from a bridge in Tennessee!!!! And most definitely such individuals are a CONSTANT THREAT to the voiceless which includes judges, lawyers, lawmakers and juries that DO NOTHING IF such VIOLENT TWISTED INDIVIDUALS are caught!!!! Such actions support the abusers!!!!!

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