Target: Gianni Infantino, President of FIFA
Goal: Allow Ukraine’s president to deliver message in front of worldwide audience.
The international soccer organization FIFA has seen its fair share of controversies, the latest involving the reported reprimand of players for wearing anti-discrimination armbands. Now the organization has once again courted criticism for its response to a nation currently under attack. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky had asked to share “a message of peace” before the World Cup final, which is expected to be viewed by millions of people internationally.
FIFA’s president soundly rejected the request, however, claiming that he was somehow defending human rights with this decision. The FIFA head also claimed that he wanted the event to be free from intrusions from the outside world, with the defense of “everybody has problems.” Yet this conflict that has killed tens of thousands and displaced many more is not just a problem or an inconvenience. It has global ramifications, and the World Cup platform is an opportunity for outreach and action that cannot and should not be missed.
Sign the petition below to urge this leader to rethink his stance.
Dear Mr. Infantino,
Every one of the nations represented under the FIFA umbrella is impacted by the war in Ukraine. It cannot be ignored, and your decision to refute the global platform that FIFA offers is not an act of human rights advocacy. It is an act of jaded cowardice. You have already inserted yourself into this debate by disqualifying a Russian team who had no part in the invasion from the tournament. Now is suddenly the time for a hands-off approach?
People are dying. Global economies are being upended. Natural resources from Africa are reportedly being exploited. And the instability and tragedy will only grow worse in the harsh winter months ahead. Remember the 1936 Olympics and what came after. Do you really want to go down in history as someone who turned a blind eye, or as someone who stepped up for peace?
[Your Name Here]
Photo Credit: Steve Johnson