Target: Cami Bremer, El Paso County Commissioner
Goal: Begin enforcing gun laws intended to keep deadly weapons away from dangerous individuals.
When a gunman reportedly opened fire on an LGBTQ nightclub in Colorado Springs and killed half a dozen people, the usual narrative unfolded. Thoughts and prayers were issued, condemnations were made, and mental illness was given lip service. Gun safety laws also became a prominent part of the discussion. In this case, laws already on the books could have saved lives, if not for the apparent obstruction of local officials.
The state of Colorado has a version of red flag laws, called Extreme Risk Protection Orders, that attempt to restrict access of firearms for people identified as dangers. The suspected gunman in the shooting would have very likely met specifications for these laws due to a domestic violence incident in the past year in which he allegedly threatened his mother, made bomb threats, and engaged in an hours-long standoff with police. Despite this troubling history, the suspect—along with other potential menaces—is protected because the county where he lives has declared itself a so-called Second Amendment Sanctuary. As a result, local officials often do not enforce the gun laws already on the books.
The rampant politicization of this life-and-death issue has already caused enough tragedy. Sign the petition below to demand this county stop playing politics with its people’s lives.
Dear Commissioner Bremer,
When the Board of Commissioners dramatically proclaimed El Paso County a Second Amendment Sanctuary, did you ever imagine the day would come when these words would come back to haunt you in the worst way possible? Could you have envisioned your region would be splashed across headlines as the latest example of a mass casualty event? And did you stop to think that dialing back the political rhetoric and actually working for the betterment of these communities could have prevented it all?
The suspected gunman in the Colorado Springs tragedy had a well-documented encounter with law enforcement and accusations of domestic violence. This incident created the biggest red flag of all and was a textbook example of how Extreme Risk Protection Orders could and should work. But because local officials needed to score a few cheap political points, these laws were gutted and rendered meaningless at the local level.
Opponents of new gun legislation like to say we should enforce existing laws. They proclaim their love for and dedication to law and order. They rail time and again about how the focus should be on keeping firearms out of the hands of the mentally ill. Where were all these values in El Paso County? Where were they when they could have saved multiple lives?
The damage has been done, but you can prevent more needless tragedy. Stop flouting your own state’s laws and stop giving sanctuary to would-be killers.
[Your Name Here]
Photo Credit: Bart Everson
I am so tired of the same old prayers from those who are profiting off gun sales and ownership. We must have laws to protect our citizens from those who would kill or paralyze anyone using a gun to kill anything or anyone. Gun makers and shops selling these weapons need to be changed as well as the families of these murderers. Why? Because then families will know their impact on the sanity of their kids. Sellers and makers of these weapons need to pay medical expenses of those hurt in these shootings. Those who are scared for life from such an experience must be supported in some manner whereas the gun makers and sellers need to pay and should pay outside any insurance policy they may have to cover themselves. I believe things would changer. Also in Uvalde those police who did nothing and their superiors need to all be fired and have that showing on their employment record. This insanity must stop!
I just heard about 5 year old shot 4 year old sister in Texas! WTF?!!!
Pienso lo mismo Gramo…Basta ya !!!!
I totally agree. Where I live no one has to get a gun permit anymore beforevor after buying a gun unless you plan going across state lines. I DO NOT AGREE WITH THIS STATE’S GOVERNOR SIGNING THAT INTO LAW!!!!
Ron DeSATAN said he will make guns easier to get.
It syarts with your police. Black people killings are on the rise and so is shooting peoples pets in their own yard.
These gun laws only hurt law abiding citizens that use them to protect themselves and their families! Criminals don’t usually buy guns legally, they don’t want the weapons traced back to them. It will only cause more guns being sold on the streets illegally for criminals. You give up your guns you give up your rights and your right to protect you and your family! Radical democrats screaming innocent people are getting killed, but yet don’t give a crap about killing innocent unborn children. Wake up!
Oh look!! A CUNTservative. Repugs do not give a shit about children you moron.West Virginia trash repugs killed bill to stop children from getting married. STFU.
To the morons on here. Violence against gays rose to 11 percent since 2020 because of CUNTservatives like Mark Robinson who said gays are trash and dance with the devil. Another one said gays should be stoned to death. Chick Fil A and Hobby Lobby give millions to gay conversion therapy. I could be here all day about the CUNTservative homophobes.
The biggest problem is the politicians who accept money from the NRA. God forbid they take a stance on gun control. We are the only civilized country in the world who has mass shootings on a regular basis.
I was shocked at shootings in other countries. Numbers are shockingly low.
The ONLY way we will EVER be done with gun violence is to do away with ALL guns, except those carried by police and/or security personnel. Then, they have to lock up their guns in a secure box that can only be opened by fingerprint recognition. NO non-police personnel need a damn gun. They are made for one reason only, to kill.
People get a clue, why can’t Sloppy Joe Burden see? His “gun control” failed miserably. Instead of cutting down in these atrocities, they have increased. He failed (as usual). The ONLY way we’ll ever be done with gun violence is GET RID OF ALL GUNS! “Right to bear arms” be damned. It’s just a legalized way of saying, it’s ok to commit murder!
LOL!! You must be a tRumptard!!
Police and security personnel have to lock up their guns after their shifts that is.
They do. It is the morons in red states like Texas who keep guns out. 5 year old shot 4 year old sister dead. You hear these stories almost every day. Same scenario. Guns are not locked up when children around.
It’s time. It’s been time to stop gun violence.