Kitten Reportedly Thrown Into Burning Fire Pit Deserves Justice

Target: Ray Whitley, District Attorney General of Summer County, TN

Goal: Prosecute man who allegedly fatally burned pet kitten to fullest extent.

“There was no way to even comprehend the amount of pain he was feeling.” This somber statement came from the rescue group who cared for Phoenix, a five-week-old kitten brought to the Tennessee-based organization. Phoenix had apparently suffered severe burns over much of his body, leaving him with extensive nerve damage. Despite the rescue’s best efforts, Phoenix tragically died from his injuries.

Local police reportedly confirmed that these horrific burns resulted from Phoenix being tossed into a fire pit. He is beleived to have suffered for days without medical intervention before his case was brought to authorities’ attention…precious time that could have been used to save his life. Richard Lee Tyler Russell, the man with whom Phoenix lived, has been charged with aggravated animal cruelty.

Sign the petition below to demand he receive maximum punishment if found guilty.


Dear District Attorney General Whitley,

Suspect Richard Lee Tyler Russell has an impending court date on charges of aggravated animal cruelty. He stands accused of throwing his pet kitten into a fire pit and leaving the animal to suffer from extensive injuries without medical aid. Although the kitten was later rescued thanks to a tip from a good Samaritan, he reportedly died in agony. The rescue organization who battled to save his life said of the tragedy: “his tiny body was just unable to fight off the horrible burns he was dealing with, plus the smoke inhalation.”

Both this organization, who witnessed the horrific effects firsthand, and the community at large are pleading for justice to be served. Please be vigilant in prosecuting this disturbing case and pursuing the most severe penalty.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: TRU Rescue


  1. Carey Sutton says:

    KILL HIM!!!!!!!!!!!! NOTHING LESS!!!!!!!! KILL HIM NOW!!!!!!!!

  2. Linda Infante says:

    I agree this guy neds to be punished to the fullest. Street justice would be best. POOR Kitten! Just to horrible to think about!

  3. Michelle Stewart says:

    Aggravated animal cruelty isn’t enough. That bastard must be charged with 2 animal cruelty felonies. That bastard must spend 10 years in prison with no early parole, must pay a $500,000 fine (if he can’t afford it, 5 more years with no early parole gets added to the 10 years=15 years, and he must be banned for life from owning or going near any animals ever again. Real justice would be for someone to shoot that bastard dead.

  4. This evil bastard should be thrown into a pit of fire and burned to death. He MUST be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, and banned from ever owning or having anything to do with animals. He is a disgrace to society.

  5. This Evolution bastard Must be severely punished.

  6. What an absolute monster. RIP, poor Phoenix 🙁

  7. Steven Goodall says:

    Give him to me and I’ll serve swift justice

  8. Die horribly and slowly Richard Lee Tyler Russell. Scumbag oxygen thief who tortures defenseless baby animals.

  9. Never let him go near an animal or own another pet again! He deserves hefty fine and a long jail time!

  10. Patricia Wicker says:


  11. Tuez ce fils de pute.

  12. Police have his name so find and arrest him. This cruel and demented man should not be allowed to be in society. No one person or animal is safe. People like him don’t stop if not put in prison for a long time. Furthermore there must be tougher laws for animal torture and cruelty.

  13. Urszula K O Lund says:

    MAX JAIL or DEATH PENALTY for this extremely EVIL MONSTER! I lack words to express my indignation and anger at this DESENSITIZED, DEHUMANIZED, SADISTIC and highly PSYCHOPATHIC evil scumbag! How can someone INFLICT such EXTREME SUFFERING on an innocent and defenseless kitten. The pain this kitten went through is of DEVILISH DIMENSIONS!! This poor creature deserves JUSTICE.
    ANIMAL VIOLENCE shall be treated as any human violence. Animals SHALL NOT BE VICTIMS — and they deserve JUSTICE just like YOU and ME!

  14. Yet another demon allowed to breathe. Why?? It’s called human rights! Non human in the guise of one for sure. Send back to the hell pit. Easy!!!!!!!

  15. This man needs to be thrown into prison where the big boys who love animals fix his ass!!

  16. Davide Alioto says:

    che razza di gente abiamo al mondo, e pensare chenle leggi proteggono questi buffoni. leggi fatte da buffoni come questi individui

  17. Shirley Lemieux says:

    A 5 week old developing baby kitten tragically in the hands of a demon. A sinister and evil human being. Richard Lee Tyler Russell weighs well over 100 lbs and he took an innocent baby kitten weighing probably 2 lbs and tossed into a burning fire pit. The kitten now dead and all as a result of his actions. If only our Justice system was set up as an “Eye for an Eye”.

  18. Cynthia A Pisarcik says:

    Law enforcement must do their job!!!!!! Punishment must fit the crime. These innocent animals deserve to be treated with kindness not cruelty.

    Punish these people to the fullest extent of the law !!!!!!!

    This must be STOPPED !!

  19. The punishment should fit the crime. Humans this sick and cruel shouldn’t be allowed to live amongst other humans or creatures.

  20. Julia Edinger says:

    I totally agree with Michelle Stewart
    “ Aggravated animal cruelty isn’t enough. That bastard must be charged with 2 animal cruelty felonies. That bastard must spend 10 years in prison with no early parole, must pay a $500,000 fine (if he can’t afford it, 5 more years with no early parole gets added to the 10 years=15 years, and he must be banned for life from owning or going near any animals ever again. Real justice would be for someone to shoot that bastard dead.“

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