Demand Accountability for Alleged Swindling of Taxpayers and Impoverished Communities

Target: Tate Reeves, Governor of Mississippi

Goal: Focus on improving welfare system to help disadvantaged citizens rather than politicizing scandal.

When former NFL player Brett Favre was accused of gaming Mississippi’s welfare system to secure funds for a volleyball court at his daughter’s school, the incident stirred outrage. It also shone a harsh spotlight on what are believed to be longstanding abuses of the state system meant to serve the most disadvantaged. This scandal highlights how America’s poorest state has been seemingly ill-served by its leaders.

In 2020, an investigation into the reported mishandling of welfare funds commenced. The Mississippi Department of Human Services allegedly used two non-profits to funnel over 90 million dollars of federal funds to influential individuals and entities. Many of these recipients, like Favre, were multimillionaires. Several arrests were made, and a federal investigation soon followed the state investigation. Recently, the former director of the department pled guilty to fraud charges at the federal level.

Former Governor Phil Bryant has consistently denied allegations he had knowledge of the agency’s activities, but suspicions remain. In fact, a lawyer who attempted to issue a subpoena to both Bryant and Favre was fired under dubious circumstances. Current Governor Tate Reeves admits to pushing through the firing because of supposed political bias. This lawyer was attempting to get back some of the funds apparently stolen from the people of Mississippi, so if anyone is prioritizing politics over the public welfare it is seemingly Governor Reeves.

Sign the petition below to demand the Governor set his priorities straight.


Dear Governor Reeves,

When you fired the man trying to recoup the funds allegedly stolen from the poor and given to the rich, you claimed you were trying to keep the investigation from political bias. Yet the auditor originally responsible for the Mississippi welfare investigation is a member of your own party. This absolutely horrific scandal goes well beyond partisan politics.

The man appointed by the former governor to lead the welfare agency has already reportedly admitted his guilt in court. Several other well-positioned people, from Brett Favre to Phil Bryant, were being questioned as persons of interest. Was it this renewed scrutiny that ultimately played a role in pushing through the firing of Brad Pigott and the focus being placed on the messengers rather than the very real apparent wrongs done to the most vulnerable people in your state?

Please stop playing politics with this reverse Robin Hood disaster, Governor. Instead, focus your energy on rebuilding and reforming this state’s welfare system to embody its intended purpose: the alleviation of poverty.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Mehmet Kirkgoz

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  • J. David Scott
  • Janice Bernard
  • Doug Phillips
  • jacci russ
  • Julia Linke
  • Beate Aurich
  • Andreas Dorst
  • Sandra Dorst
  • Lori Lorentz
  • Lydia Lafferty
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