Cut Big Agriculture’s Massive Carbon and Environmental Pollution

Target: Joseph R. Biden, President of the United States

Goal: Charge farmers for their livestock’s greenhouse gas emissions.

Factory farming is a damaging industry. Not only are animals there subjected to prolonged psychological and physical trauma, but these farms are also terrible for the environment. Waste from factory farms pollutes waterways, air, and land in neighboring communities, posing serious risks to natural ecosystems and human health. In addition, agriculture is one of the leading contributors to global greenhouse gas emissions. The clearing of forests to make room for livestock and livestock feed, the mass application of fertilizers, and cattle belching all release significant amounts of detrimental gasses into the atmosphere.

Some countries have taken initiatives towards reducing factory farmings’ environmental impact. New Zealand, for example, has developed a plan that is likely to be passed within the upcoming year. According to the plan, farmers will be expected to pay for their gas emissions from the year 2025 onwards. Total gas emissions will be calculated using a single, universal measure. The idea behind creating an effective emissions pricing system is that it will reduce the number of animals on individual farms, thereby, reducing climate impacts. In addition, the plan will include incentives for farmers who successfully reduce emissions and all revenue generated from this plan will be invested in environmental research escapades.

While this will clearly not solve the problem of agricultural emissions, it is a great first step. Sign this petition to demand similar legislation be considered in the U.S.


Dear President Biden,

Each and every day, we are seeing the escalating effects of the global climate crisis. New Zealand has recently become one of the first countries to introduce legislation that would help curb the amount of greenhouse gasses emitted by one of the largest contributors to climate change across the world–the agricultural industry. Livestock farming requires the mass destruction of entire carbon-absorbing forests, the wide scale application of toxic fertilizers, and the breeding of hundreds of millions of belching cattle, all of which release significant amounts of greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere.

New Zealand has devised a plan whereby farmers will be expected to pay for their gas emissions from the year 2025 onwards, encouraging them to reduce their environmental footprint by housing less animals, and therefore needing less land and fertilizer. Farmers will be incentivized and all revenue generated from this plan will be invested in environmental research projects.

We are asking you, Mr. Biden, to consider enacting similar legislation in the U.S. and help follow through with your alleged climate change initiatives.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Punya


  1. Don’t agree with this, industrial mining and steel/metals and batteries production for electric cars cause far greater pollution than does farming. So I’m afraid I can’t sign the petition.

    • I agree with Ken Rudys,
      The pollution is from the agri chem companies using methane to make chem fertilizers and toxins sprayed on crops, it is agri corporations forcing this on farmers, this petition is not researched properly and photo is wrong as well, of small farm in uplands of Europe not a feedlot

  2. Julia Edinger says:

    I agree with! Ken Rudys
    “Don’t agree with this, industrial mining and steel/metals and batteries production for electric cars cause far greater pollution than does farming. So I’m afraid I can’t sign the petition.”

  3. Maybe this is so but farming is not the main culprit. Cattle etc do NOT cause chemtrails in the sky nor cause hurricanes out of normal. Millionairs do this so as to cause havoc on earth. Who is constructing bunkers underground? I wonder if cows and sheep and pigs can do this. Please target the real evil-doers.

  4. Nancy Chiodo says:

    There is something wrong with this petition. The signature block goes to feed farm animals. Please check your link. There is no signature block that specifically goes to sign for the petition letter to Biden.

  5. Jennifer Spirakis says:

    Charge farmers for their livestock’s greenhouse gas emissions.

  6. Janice Johnson says:

    I agree with the comments, but this is also a step in stopping some of the environmental damage and animal cruelty. Other issues must be targeted also. The big polluters and environmental destructors with big money need to be stopped too!

  7. Tripp Carter says:

    I signed this, but for the record, I still buy cheese for spaghetti (though I usually forgo most other dairy products). Just being honest here.

  8. Yeah… I agree with “there’s something wrong here”. Haven’t signed as I’m not worried about the methane… The over fertilising, yes.. the deforestation, yes. The horrific cruelty on these mass farms, yes. But don’t jump on the broad climate change bandwagon just coz you can.

  9. GO VEGAN — Animal agricultural industry is filled with unconscionable cruelty to Animals on many levels — GOING VEGAN is the only answer where we ALL benefit — GO VEGAN.

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8329 Signatures

  • J. David Scott
  • jacci russ
  • Sofia Seenala Lenngren
  • Janice Bernard
  • Julia Linke
  • Beate Aurich
  • Andreas Dorst
  • Sandra Dorst
  • Gregory Brooks
  • Erin Borozny
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