Woman who Shot and Skinned Husky Puppy While Claiming to Hunt Wolves Must be Punished

Target: Deb Haaland, United States Secretary of the Interior

Goal: Demand all wolf hunting be banned to protect this important species.

A Montana woman reportedly bragged about killing what she “thought” to be a baby wolf. In a Facebook post, she apparently wrote how excited she was about the opportunity to “take another predator wolf pup,” seemingly expecting to be celebrated by the online community. However, in the extremely disturbing photos posted to accompany the text, one thing is made blatantly apparent—Barnes did not slaughter a wolf puppy, but instead, had seemingly hunted and skinned a domestic husky puppy.

Barnes is a part of a subculture of people who seemingly do not understand the ecological significance of these species—who apparently take pride in killing beautiful animals and are enabled to do so without any regard for the animals’ welfare by the law. While on February 10, 2022 several federal protections were reinstated for wolves in much of the contiguous United States, these protections were not restored in the Northern Rocky Mountain Region. This region, however, is the site where over 80% of wolf hunting occurs, with over 1,000 wolves being slaughtered here on a yearly basis.

Sign this petition to demand legislators restore vital protections for wolves in the Northern Rockies and prevent despicable people from partaking in their ruthless slaughter.


Dear Secretary Haaland,

A Montana woman by the name of Amber Rose Barnes reportedly killed and skinned a husky puppy by mistake when hunting for wolves. This incident comes after the decision earlier this year to restore federal protections for wolves in some—but not all—of the United States. These protections were not reinstated in the Northern Rocky Mountain Region, where over 80% of wolf hunting occurs and over 1,000 wolves are slaughtered each year. We should not be encouraging people to commit unnecessary acts of violence against wolves. Not only are they beautiful, highly social creatures, but they are extremely important to the ecosystems of which they are a part and have formidable impacts on entire geographical regions.

We are asking you, Ms. Haaland, to protect wolves in all regions throughout the U.S. and stop allowing this bloodshed.


[Your Name Here]


  1. Shooting it was bad enough, but skinning it and taking pictures to post because she’s such a mighty hunter? This is not a hunter, it’s a plain old POS loser. How stupid do you have to be to shoot before making sure of what you’re shooting at? She’s a danger, deranged, a sociopath. Take her license for life and fines and a jail term at least.

  2. Vanessa Humphries says:

    Stupid cretin, not acceptable to kill either a dog or a wolf. Should be ashamed

  3. What she needs is a 14″ dildo!!

  4. Wendy+Morrison says:


  5. This is the most disturbing thing I have seen in a long time. This horrid woman should swop her gun for a book and a pair of glasses! Learn what a dog looks like! My sincere condolences to the owner of the poor animal.

  6. William Turner says:

    A curse on the fithy bitch,she will be gone by the end of next year

  7. Too bad we can’t hunt her down…

  8. Michelle Taylor says:

    This vile, ugly, morbidly obese, mentally deranged dog killing bitch definitely requires instigation of the death penalty!

  9. There’s no excuse for ignorance like this; this “gal” needs to be banned from ever owning a gun or knife again. And then to sit there and smile – absolutely disgusting. What a poor excuse for a so called “human being”!

  10. Urszula Lund says:

    This psycho is a sadistic psychopath! Put her in front of a firing squad!

  11. WTF seriously. A complete psycho. I’m horrified and disgusted. May fate her and do as it sees fit.

  12. Fran Greenup says:

    Five minutes with her. Just give me five minutes with this disturbed & twisted woman. PLEASE!!

  13. Fran Greenup says:

    Five minutes with her. Just give me five minutes with this twisted & soulless individual. PLEASE!!

  14. Susan Payne-Gannon says:

    Lock the stupid, evil bitch up and throw away the key! She’s a menace to society!!

  15. Carey Sutton says:

    Please just kill her. I am so sick of animal cruelty!!!!! And people getting away with it. Kill her NOW.

  16. The fact that she can’t even tell the difference between a wolf and a dog should get her banned for life from ever getting another hunting permit or owning a firearm. She’s a menace to society.

  17. Ageee all comments shoot and skin her. All hunting should be banned its cruel and not needed no excuse for cruelty all animals deserve to live . Get rid of animal cruelty people .

  18. Thick, stupid cow . Even wolves should not be shot and skinned in my opponion but a dog,how does she get away with that. am wondering who the dog belonged to. Evil witch

  19. Jeanne Marie Cambouris says:

    This DEPRAVED, DISGUSTING MUTANT must be prosecuted. And the idiot is proud of herself!! So some poor family lost their puppy so this moron can entertain herself?? Who the hell issued this consumate a.h. a hunting license AND a gun????

  20. Jeanne C Bradbury says:

    We’d have to invent a new word for HOW DISGUSTING THIS MUTANT PERSON IT!!!! Truly in the “TOO STUPID TO LIVE” CATEGORY!!!!

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