Justice for 300+ Dogs Reportedly Rescued From Largest Dogfighting Ring in State History

Target: Alan Wilson, Attorney General of South Carolina

Goal: Demand the alleged operators of the largest known dogfighting operation in South Carolina history be prosecuted and punished to the full extent of the law.

Recently, over 300 dogs were rescued from what officials consider the largest dogfighting ring in South Carolina history. Over 60 state and federal officers reportedly interrupted a scheduled dogfighting match in Richmond County, in addition to executing search warrants at nearby properties rumored to contain dogfighting associations. Officers were stunned by the cruelty they seemingly witnessed at these locations. Dogfighting paraphernalia was reportedly scattered about, and emaciated puppies with their rib cages showing were apparently found chained to trees and shoved in filthy cages.

So far, more than 20 individuals have been arrested for charges relating to animal cruelty. According to the Animal Welfare Act, individuals can face up to five years in prison for dogfighting charges. While the dogs are currently being taken care of by the Humane Society of the United States and Bark Nation, the sad reality is that many of these dogs will likely have to be euthanized, since their sole life purpose up until this point had seemingly been to fight and they are too aggressive to be placed into loving homes.

Sign this petition to demand all found guilty of involvement are punished at the fullest extent of the law. Dogfighting has no home here in the United States, or anywhere else.


Dear Attorney General Wilson,

It has been brought to public attention that over 300 dogs were reportedly rescued from an undercover dogfighting ring in South Carolina thought to have been the largest such operation in the states’ history. Officials on site at the 20+ search warrant properties were stunned by the apparent cruelty they witnessed, and images taken depict starved puppies with their rib cages showing chained to trees by heavy metal links, with others shoved in filthy, barren cages. Unfortunately, although the dogs are in the custody of the Humane Society of the United States and Bark Nation, most of these dogs–who reportedly spent their entire lives being trained to fight and kill–will most likely have to be euthanized.

Dogfighting is a terrible crime, and we are asking you, Mr. Wilson, that all individuals found guilty of involvement be punished at the fullest extent of the law.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: BBC World Service


  1. Maria Nowicki says:

    These individuals are human garbage and should be disposed of
    just like any garbage is

    • Bev Woodburn says:

      Maria Nowicki. I definately agree with your comment.

      “These individuals (monsters) are lowlife vile and evil human garbage and should be disposed of just like any garbage is. Eradication from our Planet is a must.

  2. 5 years that’s all !! Give life to each of these pos. I live in s c and I know a lot of this goes on .

  3. Wendy+Morrison says:


  4. Heike Schmidt-Hain says:

    People who take pleasure in such struggles between abused fellow creatures are certainly not socially useful. You must have a hard one of the swatter.
    They’re all cowards, otherwise they wouldn’t need deputies, but would fight themselves with like-minded people. There would be nothing to say against that. But what these creatures do is so vile that I am ashamed to be of the same species as these people. These people should be socially ostracized, whether they are bystanders or perpetrators.

  5. Linda Savage says:

    It is disgusting to force dogs to fight they dont want to hurt themselves freely.

  6. James Savage says:

    Dogs should not be forced to do anything that injures them.

  7. Urszula Lund says:

    DEATH PENALTY for ALL animal-torturers and animal-abusers. Dog-fighting is a horrific crime committed against innocent dogs who will never know what a loving forever home is like. No animal shall be sadistically abused by greedy, dehumanized and desensitized psychopathic scum. ALL animal-abusing sadists must be EUTHANIZED to set an example. DEATH PENALTY is the only adequate punishment for these hellish scumbags! They must be forbidden from coming near animals ever again! Five years in prison is a mockery against these abused dogs!

  8. Absolutely agree with Urszula Lund. We need stricter laws in this country to protect animals from these heartless people who abuse animals.
    We also need more Lawyers and Judges who care about the treatment of animals.

  9. Jane Van Haaften says:

    God Bless these poor innocent dogs and puppies. Many thanks to their kind rescuers and current caregivers.

    The horrid monsters who participated in the cruel and evil dog fighting should be severely fined, jailed for several years and they should never be allowed near any animal again.

  10. Jeanne C Bradbury says:

    South Carolina AGAIN???

  11. Some states seem to either have more than their share of mutants OR prosecutors who don’t take animal abuse seriously!!

  12. These horrible, filthy pieces of garbage deserve the death penalty, nothing less! Five years in prison is a joke. Until harsh and strong punishments are handed out, this abusive crap will continue! Those poor innocent dogs did not deserve this horrible kind of life. God bless their precious souls.


  14. Myrna Lipman says:

    What a disgusting display of human depravity by these sorry excuses for human beings! Meanwhile the innocent dogs will be euthanized and lose their lives while these degenerates walk around alive. There has got to be a better way to deal with this. It seems since they can’t live in society without harming other living beings, they should be cast out of civilized society and forced to live together somewhere remote and inescapable where the only harm they can do is to each other. .

  15. Shirley Lemieux says:

    The people arrested and found guilty of these crimes in my opinion should be spending more time than 5 years in prison. It is true that many of these rescued dogs will have to be euthanized because they were raised to fight. So many lost lives with so little time in prison if convicted just seems like an injustice.

  16. Therese Kutscheid says:

    Wendy + Morrison your speak out of my hearth.
    Let those scum bags fight with each other.
    For shame we have so many lazy people who exploit animals instead to do honest job that pays for their living.

  17. Michelle Stewart says:

    Every single one of those people deserves to be shot dead

  18. Uncommonsensesc says:

    Why hasn’t a complete list of their names and addresses been published for the public to see???? I am so sick of our “justice” system letting these evil beings plea to a reduced sentence, get no jail time or what amounts to just a slap on the wrist. These people need to be eradicated from this earth for the safety of all living beings. If the state of SC doesn’t have the kahoonahs to administer true justice, I’ll gladly volunteer.

  19. It is truly tragic that this cruelty still exists. Just shows that our laws are not strict enough to protect these peaceful animals. I say, stop coddling these criminals and and show some authority and Punish them.

  20. Julia Edinger says:

    I totally agree with Urszula
    “DEATH PENALTY for ALL animal-torturers and animal-abusers. Dog-fighting is a horrific crime committed against innocent dogs who will never know what a loving forever home is like. No animal shall be sadistically abused by greedy, dehumanized and desensitized psychopathic scum. ALL animal-abusing sadists must be EUTHANIZED to set an example. DEATH PENALTY is the only adequate punishment for these hellish scumbags! They must be forbidden from coming near animals ever again! Five years in prison is a mockery against these abused dogs! “

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