Turn Exploitative Zoos Into Animal Recovery Centers

Target: Chuck Schumer, Majority Leader of the United States Senate

Goal: Demand zoos be repurposed into native wildlife rehabilitation centers and encourage the conservation, rather than exploitation, of wild animals.

Captive animals in zoos and other institutions suffer immensely. In addition to undergoing physical abuse, these wild animals suffer from psychological trauma when denied natural instincts and isolated from their kin and friends. Luckily, help is on the way for some of these animals. New animal rights legislation recently passed in Spain include the conversion of zoos into wildlife rehabilitation centers.

Under the proposed legislation, zoos and dolphinariums—aquariums that house dolphins—will be banned from future buying or breeding of non-native species. Instead, these institutions will house only native species. Besides acting as a center of recovery for injured or endangered animals, zoos will also serve as educational resources for children to learn about local wildlife and how to better conserve these animals.

Sign this petition to demand the U.S. implement similar legislation to repurpose abusive zoos into animal recovery facilities.


Dear Senator Schumer,

Zoos have long been scrutinized for the physical and psychological damage they inflict upon the wild animals they hold captive. And, while zoo animals throughout the U.S. have relatively limited legal protections, other countries are taking huge steps towards permanently eliminating the suffering of animals in captive settings. Spain, for example, recently passed legislation that would ban the future buying or breeding of non-native species in zoos or dolphinariums. Instead, zoos would be converted into recovery and rehabilitation centers for native animals, simultaneously conserving endangered species while educating children on the importance of local wildlife.

We are asking you, Mr. Schumer, to enforce similar laws in the U.S. and prioritize the conservation of native species over the exploitation of others.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: shankar s.


  1. Angie Richards says:

    Leave them alone what have they done to you. Answer that what have they done to you

  2. I think this is a really great idea!

  3. Evan Jane Kriss says:

    Zoos should be converted into recovery and rehabilitation centers for native animals, simultaneously conserving endangered species while educating children on the importance of local wildlife.

  4. Mari Smeti says:

    STOP the CRUELTY and self-serving mindlessness — place well-being of Animals FIRST on your Agenda — Convert ZOOS and other Venues with CAPTIVE Animals into SANCTUARIES, whether they be native or not — FORGET about “native” and “non-native” labels — Help ALL Animals — allow them to live happily in Sanctuaries — in addition, always allow Visitors.

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