Protect Animals From Physical and Emotional Pain and Suffering

Target: Joseph R. Biden, President of the United States

Goal: Demand universal recognition of the sentience of animals and further protect them under federal law.

The United Kingdom passed landmark legislation that will provide animals with more protection than ever before. According to the Animal Welfare Sentience Act, the UK formally–and legally–recognizes animals as sentient beings and of deserving fundamental rights, just like humans. Once enacted, an Animal Sentience Committee will be established to monitor government policies related to animal welfare issues.

With this decision, the UK joins about 30 other countries–including Spain, France, the Netherlands, Sweden, New Zealand, and Tanzania–that recognize animals as sentient beings, rather than objects or property. And, while the United States has legislation to recognize the capacity of animals to suffer, there is nothing at the federal level defining animals as capable of feelings, moods, and emotions–as they so clearly are.

Sign this petition to demand the U.S. take a stance to protect all life and to finally treat animals with the respect they deserve.


Dear President Biden,

The UK has recently joined more than 30 other countries and cities in legally recognizing animal sentience. As such, animals throughout the UK will soon receive vital protections previously unheard of within the region. Once enacted, an Animal Sentience Committee will be established to monitor government policies related to animal welfare issues.

We are asking you, Mr. Biden, to please take similar steps towards granting fundamental rights to all animals. We have proved time and time again that animals are just as capable as humans in their capacity to feel excitement, pain, fear, and grief. It is time we act on this knowledge.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Nom d’util


  1. Patricia Schwartzmann says:

    Dear President Biden,

    What’s wrong with the US – don’t they pride themselves on being the first country in the world, don’t they have the heart to prevent the suffering of others? Animals are innocent beings who do not deserve to be tortured by heartless sadistic men who should be imprisoned for the rest of their miserable existence

  2. Gabriela Torres says:

    Dear President Biden,
    You have two beautiful dogs, right? What would you feel if they fell into the hands of heartless unscrupulous sadistic people who made them suffer?
    Please advocate for all the innocent animals that are being tortured for no reason by ill-born, degenerate evil people.
    Thank you!

  3. Sylvia Vegas says:

    Dear Mr. Biden:

    Please take a stance to protect all life and to finally treat animals with the respect they deserve.
    Thank yoy

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  • Don Dudan
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  • Julia Linke
  • Beate Aurich
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  • Sandra Dorst
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