Don’t Let Doomsday Glacier Bury Earth in Catastrophic Flooding

Target: Simon Stiell, Executive Secretary of the United Nations on Climate Change

Goal: Help prevent glacial melts from causing high sea levels and mass flooding disasters.

Doomsday mega-floods have grabbed headlines recently, with flooding reported across the globe. These disasters might pale in comparison, however, to another danger lurking at the planet’s southernmost reaches. Meet the Doomsday Glacier.

The Thwaites Glacier is a massive structure located within the West Antarctica Ice Sheet. It’s currently melting and retreating at a rate of about 2 kilometers per year, and that rate may soon double. Hundreds of billions of tons of ice have already been lost. In addition, a significant portion of it could very likely collapse entirely within a decade. If the worst-case scenarios come to pass, the entirety of Earth’s sea levels could rise up to ten feet. Although it may take hundreds of years for the worst of this flooding to be realized, the results would be cataclysmic, especially for vulnerable coastal areas.

A new report detailing the glacier’s weakness reported it is “hanging on by the fingertips.” But the time for action has not passed. Glacier experts have proposed several geoengineering solutions for preserving not just the Doomsday Glacier, but other endangered structures.

Sign the petition below to urge immediate exploration and possible implementation of these critical plans.


Dear Executive Secretary Stiell,

Time is of the essence. This one key refrain has echoed from scientists across the globe as humanity increasingly grapples with the devastation wrought by the climate crisis. The latest warning bell came from a report that signals dangerous recession and melting at Antarctica’s Thwaites Glacier, nicknamed Doomsday for the tremendous devastation it would inflict if it collapsed entirely. No corner of the world would truly be safe from these horrible effects, as economic chaos and mass migration would surely follow the coastal natural disasters.

Reining in out-of-control emission is one obvious deterrent.  More immediate remedies, however, should be explored within the realm of climate and glacial geoengineering. Please harness your power to bring together expert minds for an emergency planning and action committee to tackle the imminent dangers posed by melting glaciers and rising sea levels.

Time is of the essence.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: NASA ICE


  1. Patricia Wicker says:

    Climate Crisis MUST be Dealt with NOW!!!!

  2. Elena Levaya says:

    leave the planet to our children! have pity on the dying animals and plants!

  3. Lea Derence says:

    Animal agriculture is the leading cause of deforestation, species extinction, water depletion, water pollution, ocean dead zones, ocean plastics, pandemics, world hunger, and climate change.


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