Don’t Evict Vital Bat Species From Their Nesting Sites

Target: Martha Williams, Director of the Fish and Wildlife Service

Goal: Demand alternative roosting sites for bats to reduce human-bat conflict and help conserve these important animals.

Throughout North America, bats have an estimated economic worth of $23 billion each year due to their role in regulating populations of “pest” insects. However, multiple species of these ecologically important natural exterminators are facing major population declines. Especially in the wake of Covid-19, people tend to consider bats to be “pests” themselves, and they are often excluded from manmade structures.Many states across the U.S. fail to protect bats from harassment, injury, or fatality during bat exclusion and, even in states with “humane” exclusion guidelines, methods implemented typically subject the bats to extreme stress and affect bats’ reproductive success. Natural roosting sites are becoming increasingly threatened by habitat degradation and climate change, forcing bats to seek sites elsewhere. These sites are vital for bat communities, as they are used by females when giving birth and raising pups and for hibernation purposes.

Sign this petition to demand alternative roosting sites be implemented for bats to protect them from harmful eviction and help resolve human-bat conflict.


Dear Director Williams,

Bats are vital components of North American ecosystems, and have a total estimated economic worth of $23 billion for their roles as natural “pest” regulators. However, bats are becoming increasingly scrutinized, particularly in the aftermath of Covid-19 and concerns about bat-human interactions. As a result, bats are being evicted from manmade roosting sites–and there are few rules or regulations to protect them during the stressful removal process.

Natural roosting sites are becoming harder and harder to find, as climate change and land clearance continue to decimate bats’ natural habitats. These sites are extremely important to bat conservation, as they are where bats go to give birth and raise their young, as well as to hibernate.

We are asking you, Ms. Williams, to provide bats with alternative roosting sites and encourage the proper treatment and handling of bats.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: USFWS – Pacific Region


  1. Irish Cornaire says:

    I love the fruit bats,leave them alone.

  2. People need to stop believing lies about the origin of the Covid-19 origin. It did NOT come from bats but was engineered in the Wuhan lab and somehow released, either accidentally or on purpose. We need to stop the experimentations that produce viruses that can be used for biological weapons. NO MORE “GAIN OF FUNCTION” RESEARCH!! Don’t blame the bats; blame ourselves.

  3. Evan Jane Kriss says:

    Bats serve a vital function in the ecosystems they inhabit, keeping insect numbers in check. Please do not disregard their importance.

  4. Mari Smeti says:

    I adore BATS — they need our PROTECTIONS — they are vital & worthy — we cannot live without them — let’s ensure their safety & happiness

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1697 Signatures

  • Don Dudan
  • jacci russ
  • wesley burnett
  • Janice Bernard
  • Catherine Livingston
  • Julia Linke
  • Beate Aurich
  • Andreas Dorst
  • Sandra Dorst
  • Erin Borozny
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