Target: Robert Stivers, President of Kentucky State Senate
Goal: Enact tougher penalties for individuals who leave animals locked in hot vehicles.
Heat waves have blanketed the nation. While many humans can retreat to cooled interiors, their pets are often not so lucky. Some animals are left outdoors in sweltering temperatures, and a shockingly high number must suffer trapped in vehicles where heat indexes can soar up to 150 degrees Fahrenheit. Such a horrible fate apparently befell two dogs in Kentucky.
Police responded to a Louisville residence after its occupants reported a vehicle parked along their street with two dogs inside. When authorities approached the auto, they broke the window and removed the animals. One of the dogs had tragically died, and the other passed away a short time later. The temperature that day was 93 degrees.
The vehicle’s owner, Kyle Cobb, was arrested and charged with animal cruelty. Unfortunately, because of lax state laws, he was only charged with a second-degree offense. This suspect seemingly already has a long history with law enforcement.
Kentucky is one of several states that does not have specific animal cruelty laws relating to hot car deaths on the books. Sign the petition below to help change these outdated guidelines for the sake of innocent animals.
Dear Senator Stivers,
“I can’t ignore the fact that a living being died because of his actions.” These words were spoken by a judge in the bond hearing for Kyle Cobb, who was recently accused of leaving two dogs to die in a hot car. Tragically, these animals are just two of many.
Louisville had a record-setting heat wave this summer, and the number of people and animals affected by these sweltering temperatures sadly rose as well. In a world where such extreme temperature events are now the new normal, we need updated laws to reflect this reality. The man in the above case was only charged with a second-degree offense, and a likely light potential punishment, because Kentucky has failed to address and specifically incorporate hot car deaths into its state animal cruelty laws.
Please join with other states and amend these legal loopholes before another innocent animal suffers needlessly.
[Your Name Here]
Photo Credit: Lynn Friedman
I cannot believe we are still dealing with this horrific issue, are people stupid? Certainly the laws need to be much stronger. The people need to experience what this feels like to the animals!!!
Not only stupid, but irresponsible and disgusting
Isn’t fair complete all the fields, only because I’m not a “upgraded”. I Will blocked your mails.Unfortunally the animals looses.I’m tired, sorry.
Why aren’t there stiffer penalty’s for ignorant, brainless scum who commit such horrific cruelty against innocent animals..?. Laws need to be passed that have severe consequences for these low life assholes. Leaving a dog in a hot car causes the poor animal to die a terrible death and to let these brainless, heartless subhumans to get away with a slap on the wrist is ridiculous. Think ten years in prison would enlighten these bastards.
Animals or young children left in hot cars is not acceptable in any kind of weather! It happens too often. What’s up with these people? I think you are right, ten years or more maybe would put brains in their heads
The people who do this to their pets should be jailed for animal cruelty. Stop giving these “owners” a slap on the wrist.
Those too stupid as to leaver a dog in a hot car should not be allowed to have animals, PERIOD. WE NEED FORMAL APPLICATIONS TO ADOPT A ANIMAL OR WE’LL CONTINUE TO SEE HELPLESS ANIMALS TURNED OVER TO IDIOTS WHO LEAVE DOGS IN CARS!!!
KENTUCKY: This state needs better animal welfare and animal cruelty laws all around. It always comes in at the bottom of national rankings.
The hot car issue is serious. Animals left in hot cars literally bake to death. PLEASE IMMEDIATELY enact laws to protect these animals, who are helpless to escape such an easily preventable situation.
The rescue groups i volunteer for do. A rescuer took a cat back after she found out it was declawed! THAT IS FORBIDDEN.
It’s disgusting Kentucky allows scumbags to get away with this. If scumbags feel the need to leave their dog alone in a car, DONT GET ONE!
People are idiots. They leave their children, dogs, cats in closed hot cars regularly. Put them in there until they pass out. I bet they might be more careful next time!!!
People who do this crap are scum of the earth. They should have the same thing done to their heartless asses.
Not only are those temps dangerous and can kill those animals, but no food, no water, no way to relieve themselves? Unacceptable. If they had an accident in the damn vehicle, you better know that unfortunate animal would be beaten, likely to death for something NOT their fault.
HOT CAR DEATHS must be incorporated in the state animal cruelty laws NOW, before another innocent animal suffers a terrific death.
ALL people leaving their dogs in hot cars should meet the same fate. Lock these idiots in a hot car for several hours so that they learn what pain, fear, thirst and suffocation feed like
In addition, these imbeciles must be put behind bars and forbidden from ever owning animals again!!!
Right on!!
If you do this to your pet do it to you instead please!
If you do this to your pet do it to your self instead please!
It is hard to believe that several States like Kentucky still does not have specific animal cruelty laws relating to hot car deaths on the books. Every year during hot temperatures, irresponsible pet owners bring their dogs with them in their vehicles only to leave them inside when their owners go shopping, etc. This needs to change. Laws are created specifically for those who commit crimes and leaving a dog inside a sweltering hot vehicle is a crime. Dogs deserve to have good enforceable Laws on the books to help protect them from tragic deaths like this.
You are so very right!
Get the law up to date! NOW! Country wide!!!! Why is this still happening and not being punished as animal cruelty! Anyone leaving pets in hot cars should land in jail for attempted murder/murder!
These psychos should never have or ever again have pets!!
I reported to stores 38 different times this summer when pets were left in cars. All three stores I called police or animal control odficers. Why can’t people leave their past at home?
Agree all comments put these cruel fuckers in hot car all day. JUSTICE NOW.
People that insist on leaving pets in vehicles must have the animals seized immediately and never given back. The owners must automatically be sentenced to 4 years in prison with no early parole, automatically pay a $100,000 fine, and be banned for life from owning or going near any animals ever again. Make the laws & punishment severe and maybe people would think twice about leaving pets in cars. Right now, owners just get a slap on the wrist, so they keep doing it
I agree with you totally!
Are people just stupid?? Anyone who leaves an animal in a hot car should suffer the same fate! See how they like being baked to death.
yesss!!! people are brainless heartless worthless being’s……..