Stop Selling Wild Animals as Family Pets

Target: Greg Abbott, Governor of Texas

Goal: Stop the legal sale of exotic animals as pets at Texas-based Farmers Market.

At a Farmers Market in Texas, all animals are fair game. The first Saturday of every month, Angelina County residents get together with special vendors for a live animal sale event. In addition to dogs and cats, people can buy all kinds of livestock here, including baby pigs, goats, and calves. And, the big catch, people can even purchase exotic animals ranging from peacocks to bearded dragons to foxes.

Markets such as these are not uncommon throughout the state of Texas. Exotic animals are treated like commodities and are sold off to people without any proof that they have the adequate space, money, and other resources to care for them.

Sign this petition to demand an end to the casual sale of wildlife at markets and auction events throughout Texas.


Dear Governor Abbott,

The first Saturday of every month, the Angelina County Farmers Market hosts an event where people can freely purchase an array of live animals. In addition to dogs, cats, and livestock, exotic animals are also up for grabs–and people can walk away with animals like peacocks, bearded dragons, and foxes. Many other markets and live-auctions throughout Texas commodify wild animals, selling them to unqualified buyers or highest bidders. Since there are no prerequisites or background checks for the purchasers, there are no guarantees that animals will end up in a home with the adequate resources to care for them. And, since wild animals require more resources than domesticated ones, it is unlikely that they will.

We are asking you, Mr. Abbott, to ban the sale of wild animals at markets such as these and protect wildlife from the exotic pet trade industry.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Wolf Clifton – Animal People, Inc

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451 Signatures

  • Don Dudan
  • jacci russ
  • wesley burnett
  • Janice Bernard
  • Catherine Livingston
  • Julia Linke
  • Beate Aurich
  • Andreas Dorst
  • Sandra Dorst
  • Erin Borozny
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