Stop Hunting, Trapping, and Terrorizing Big Cats

Target: Stephen Fenberg, Colorado Senate President

Goal: Prohibit the trophy hunting of mountain lions, bobcats, and Canada lynx.

Despite majority public opposition, the killing of wildlife for sport is still legal throughout much of the U.S. Tens of thousands of beautiful animals—including endangered species—are killed each year, injured with bone-crushing traps, chased by packs of ravenous dogs, and tricked into entering shooting ranges. All so that hunters can have bragging rights or mount the animals’ heads on plaque and hang it on their walls.

Recently, Colorado legislators introduced Senate Bill 31 to end trophy hunting of mountain lions, bobcats, and the threatened Canada lynx. This bill would prohibit people from hunting these big cats for recreational purposes, and only allow them to be killed for scientific research or human safety. Unfortunately, this bill recently failed, leaving thousands of cats vulnerable to agonizing deaths.

Sign this petition to demand Colorado reintroduce Senate Bill 31 and pass legislation to protect native species from wasteful hunting practices.


Dear Senator Fenberg,

The recreational hunting of wildlife–including threatened and endangered species–has long been an accepted practice, and people are not only allowed to kill innocent animals, but it is often even encouraged. Hunters trypically employ horrifically cruel methods such as trapping animals with bone-crushing traps and snares, sending trained dogs to chase down and maul them, and deceiving animals into coming within shooting distance by playing species-specific distress calls.

The Colorado bill, Senate Bill 31, sought to reduce the prevalence of this antiquated practice within its own borders and prohibit killing mountain lions, bobcats, and Canada lynx for sport. This bill’s failure has devestated communities of animal activists throughout the country, and has put thousands of these beautiful big cats at the mercy of bloodthirsty hunters.

We are asking you, Mr. Fenberg, to support the reintroduction of this bill to Congress and help to protect animals from ending up with their heads on plaques.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: cobalt123


  1. It’s utterly disgusting that these big cats are killed this way.
    No wonder I hate the human race so much. It’s the only species that needs to become extinct!!!!

  2. There is no such thing as “recreational hunting” It is murder plain and simple and these pieces of shit who kill our wildlife in the name of “fun”should not be allowed to get away with it. They should be shot themselves along with poachers!

  3. Davide Alioto says:

    how disgusting the human being. These people are protected by laws made by human beings like them

  4. Tricia Walsh says:

    Shame on Colorado. How could anyone think the massacre of all these beautiful animals is OK???? Just killed for fun by evil, ignorant human beings. Someone please put a stop to it.

  5. Rose-Marie Storm Grobbelaar says:

    The annihilation of these cowardly thugs should be law. They serve no purpose to the planet. Animal species do not destroy their planet, but the human species do.

  6. Only stupid and mean people depend on killing animals.

  7. Jeanne C Bradbury says:

    SAD and DISGRACEFUL that we have to petition for this!!!

  8. Jeanne Marie Cambouris says:

    The MUTANT STRAIN of “humanity” knows no bounds to harass and torture animals, aided by officials who fail to enforce the laws which are supposed to protect animals and prosecute abusers.

  9. Gerald George Ryan says:

    No stopping the so called “men” who have NO IDEA what it is to be a real man, so we have to rely on officials to enforce the laws and protect animals from the wimps who have to kill or abuse an animal because they are dickless.

    • Charleen Murphy says:

      Yes!! Love this!! Fantastic words!! Big truth!! They are so disgusting & low, weak& filth to do this to beautiful animals!!! 😧😢😠😠

  10. Jaime Perez says:

    Nasty, rotten hunters who decimate whole species of innocent animals! It’s disgusting. Hunters are nothing but cowardly murderers of animals!!

  11. Shirley Lemieux says:

    It is hard to believe that Senate Bill 31 failed in Colorado. A Bill that would have ended trophy hunting of mountain lions, bobcats, and Canadian lynx. Not surprising. I support having this Bill reintroduced.

  12. Stephanie Geyser says:

    How can hunting animals be considered “recreational”? Why do Amercians always want to emulate Davy Crockett? Why do you always want to live in the past? Have you not realised that we live in the 21st Century?

  13. Big CATS MUST NOT be KILLED no matter what the reason, be it “for science,” or for the “dangerous defense” — Are HUNTERS not ashamed – where is the sanity, the compassion, the morality, the mercy, the rationality — we MUST CRACK DOWN on these Hunter-KILLERS — we do NOT NEED Hunting — we have many forms of ENTERTAINMENT – but LURING, TRAPPING, TORTURING, MURDERING Animals for FUN is not only wrong, it’s INSANE, it’s SADISTIC and DEPRAVED.

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