Don’t Turn Doorbells into High-Tech Surveillance Devices

Target: Andy Jassy, CEO of Amazon

Goal: Strengthen privacy protections for video doorbells and other Amazon products.

Privacy concerns continue to mount for Amazon’s Ring video doorbells. Since the product was first released, critics have been wary of its surveillance capabilities and of the amount of information Amazon might be sharing with third parties. These fears were recently confirmed after a report detailed how the company handed over video and data to law enforcement without users’ consent.

Instead of listening to consumers’ concerns, Amazon is doubling down on this controversial equipment. They will soon release a show called Ring Nation that includes funniest videos-type footage from actual Ring cameras across the country. This proposed show not only poses another privacy threat, but it also normalizes and mainstreams Amazon’s growing surveillance reach.

Sign the petition below to urge this conglomerate to rethink its stance toward consumer privacy.


Dear Mr. Jassy,

Ring Nation may prove to be a success, but at what cost? Amazon’s video doorbell, along with some of its other popular branded products, faces intense scrutiny from consumers and lawmakers alike with very real concerns about privacy and overreach. This show will not disabuse anyone of these fears. In fact, it will only fuel worries.

Please give serious reconsideration to this latest invasion of privacy. Moreover, revisit Amazon’s overall privacy policies. Consumers have given you their trust and made you an astronomical amount of money in the process. Do not betray them by selling or even giving their personal data away to anyone who asks.

Your faithful customers deserve much better.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Amazon Ring

One Comment

  1. People value their privacy. No Corporation or industry should have the power to peek into the lives of clients who are everyday people. I am ashamed of, and for, Amazon to stoop to such low measures to make yet an extra 5 cents. Just a short while ago the owner was selling books on the internet. He is an example of how one man can reach and touch the stars. But then, he assumes, wrongly, he has the power of his wealth to interfere with the rights of the people. He may own Amazon but he is not president nor born into royalty. Even if he were he needs to have an ethical sense of power with purpose, integrity, and compassion. It’s called class!

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