Stop Offering Cash Bounties for Killed and Mutilated Beavers

Target: Scott Hixson, District Attorney for Horry County

Goal: Demand an end to Horry County’s sponsored beaver killing program.

South Carolina officials of Horry County have started a program—the Horry County Stormwater Department’s Beaver Bounty—which encourages residents to kill and mutilate beavers in their natural habitats. Even worse, Horry County residents are being incentivized to dismember these animals—as county officials are offering $100 for each pair of front paws brought to them. When inquired further about methods by which to kill the beavers, the Horry County Stormwater Department’s Watershed Planner, Chelsea Cogliano, responded that residents could shoot them, or kill them by whatever other means necessary.

This program has been started due to frustrations relating to flooding in local areas caused by dams, which beavers build as shelters for them and their families. Animals are not ours to kill when they become an inconvenience for us. If we want to blame someone for flooding—such as the recent, monstrous floods of Yellowstone National Park—we should point our fingers at our own selves.

Animal mutilation and death should never be encouraged. Sign this petition to demand an end to this gruesome program and stop destroying beavers and their homes.


Dear District Attorney Hixson,

Horry County officials have sponsored a morbid program which incentivizes residents to kill and dismember innocent animals. The Horry County Stormwater Department’s Beaver Bounty is rewarding residents with $100 for each pair of beaver’s front paws they successfully cut off and bring in. Officials are not regulating the means by which these animals are killed, and have told inquiring residents to kill the beavers by whatever means necessary, and advised using a saw or knife to cut off their paws.

This initiative started after mounting frustrations resulting from flooding issues caused by beaver dams. The dams that beavers build, however, are used as shelter for them and their families. What right do we have to deny an animal of its natural built home? Us humans are responsible for worse floods than these, and it is time we stop encouraging the abuse of animals simply because they are an inconvenience to us.

We are asking you, Mr. Hixen, to demand an end to this vicious program and stop incentivizing people to senselessly kill wild animals.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: yrjö jyske


  1. Cindy+and+Christine+Guarnieri says:

    This is disgusting and disgraceful and unconscionable. Beavers are vitally important to our ecosystems and environments. They are the ORIGINAL ENGINEERS!!

  2. Gilda Provenzano says:


  3. Laura T. Chapin says:

    A typical and ignorant way to deal with a problem. Most Humans have a brain(?), use it.

  4. Must be American…f**King idiots

  5. Pam Levernier says:

    That’s all they know. Shoot, trap, mutilate.
    May karma rain down on these dimwits! Their inbreeding is showing. Lol

  6. Please stop this cruel practice. Sentient creatures suffer with both fear and agony. Please stop🙏🏽

  7. WTH is wrong with you inbreds? You have NO right to kill innocent animals period! People are the problem. Not animals!

  8. Janice M Washienko says:

    What the hell is wrong with the human race???? How dare these BASTARD OFFICALS declare war on these creatures. Get off your fat, lazy asses and come up with other solutions! You are nothing but IGNORANT INBREEDERS!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. Disgusting! I’m pleased I dont live in South Carolina! The officials should hang their heads in shame for coming up with such an horrific plan. I agree with Janice, get off your lazy arses and come up with a humane solution. You dont have the right to just kill animals on a whim and anyone participating in this, needs shotting!

  10. Patricia Leigh Wicker says:


  11. Sick blood thirsty redneck hicks!!!

  12. South Carolina… republican disgusting barbaric christian. Sums it all up

  13. This is horrific!! Can’t they be caught and transported somewhere?? I never heard of such barbaric actions towards an animal in my life

  14. These petitions are heartbreaking. Do they do any good? Are there ever any good results coming from them? i never see any….

  15. Nadine+brundage says:

    unbelievable cruelty, humans are the pathetic breed of evil, heartless and brainless. Humans are the cause of ruining the environment not the beaver. Killing these innocent animals in the most horrific ways is disgusting and I find it hard to believe this is allowed to happen in this country. This is what beavers do, they make their homes by building dams, humans are the ones responsible for trying rearrange nature. Guess what, Mother Nature will get even.with you evil assholes.

  16. Every country has its problems but a first world country?????? does this. So glad I do not live in country that thinks guns and killing will solve things. Do you morons not know that beavers are responsible for making and keeping your wetlands. So sick of reading about such shit as this.

  17. Evan Jane Kriss says:

    Beavers are VITALLY IMPORTANT in the ecosystems they inhabit, serving an important and necessary role in maintaining the health and functioning of the streams where they live and build their dams, an affecting the wellbeing of all living beings that inhabit those waterways.

  18. Scott – The Animal Kingdom has just as much right as we do to live their lives in peace on this planet, free from torture and murder at the hands of humans. Stop this bullshit…now! Please!

  19. Tracy Faulkner says:

    There are better ways. It’s despicable that you look for the easy, cruel ways, instead of more humane means.

  20. Wow, the USA really is full of halfwits. Leave the animals alone, they have more right to be here than we do

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  • Beate Aurich
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  • Sandra Dorst
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