Expand Wilderness Areas in Delicate Rainforest

Target: US Senate Majority Leader, Chuck Schumer

Goal: Establish wilderness areas in current national forest lands in Washington’s Olympic Peninsula.

Last year a bill passed the US House of Representatives that would have permanently protected 126,000 acres of wilderness lands in Washington State. Though the bill was introduced in the Senate, it hasn’t been passed. The lands that would be covered are old growth, temperate rainforests on Washington’s coast.

The Olympic Peninsula is home to a vast array of wildlife and plants. The mature trees are an integral part of the coast’s ecosystem as well as providing much needed carbon absorption to serve as a buffer against climate change. Endangered species that live in the rainforest include spotted owls, marbled murrelets, and multiple types of salmon. However, this ecosystem has suffered from decades of logging and other degradation. The proposed wilderness areas would ensure the landscape is protected from further exploitation.

With climate change raging on, wilderness protection is more important than ever. Sign below to call on Congress to act urgently to protect these delicate forest areas.


Dear Senator Schumer,

The irreplaceable ecosystems of Washington State’s Olympic Peninsula have suffered from decades of degradation. They play a critical role in providing for many endangered species, including spotted owls, marbled murrelets, and multiple types of salmon. Climate change is a significant threat, and carbon pollution is still far exceeding safe levels. The old growth forests in these wilderness lands act as an important carbon sink, combating high emissions.

The House of Representatives passed a bill last year that would have permanently protected 126,000 acres of these wilderness lands. The legislation has been introduced into the Senate but has not been called to a vote. Please do whatever is necessary to ensure this important bill is brought to the floor and these delicate lands are protected.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Michael Gäbler


  1. These lands are delicate and so necessary for all life on earth. I ask you to spare and protect this valuable piece of Washington. We need wildlife to help us through the climate crises. We need to support our wildlife, old trees, and animals which these lands to to perfection. Please demo not allow corporation or industry to take these away from American citizens and all wildlife and animals who are in desperate need of support these lands provide. This bill passed the house. Please send it up for a vote sooner rather than later. People, even democrats, will be watching. Fingers crossed it passes!

  2. Evan Jane Kriss says:

    These rainforests are irreplaceable! Please PROTECT THEM NOW.

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  • Janice Bernard
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  • Beate Aurich
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  • Sandra Dorst
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