Don’t Source Police Manuals From Private, For-Profit Company

Target: US Attorney General, Merrick Garland

Goal: Investigate the impact of for-profit police manuals against marginalized communities.

Increasing numbers of small and medium sized law enforcement departments are turning to a for-profit company called Lexipol to write their policies for them – including those related to use of force. Experts say Lexipol policies prioritize police liability over best practices.

Numerous studies have shown US policing practices have significant biases that disproportionately harm marginalized communities. In particularly, this includes Black, Brown, and Indigenous communities. Lexipol has been an outspoken critic of three popular reform proposals to address police harms in communities. These proposals are: 1. De-escalation techniques to avoid the use of force; 2. Not shooting at moving vehicles; and 3.) Intervening if a fellow officer uses excessive force. Lexipol states its opposition to these, addressing these reforms in its policy manuals because of concerns of liability for police officers.

Following the Black-led 2020 uprisings against police brutality, many smaller departments turned to Lexipol for policies. This has stunted reforms because Lexipol prioritizes the legal liability of officers over rooting out biases and problematic practices. Sign below to call on the Department of Justice to investigate Lexipol policies, and ensure best practices are what is guiding police behavior.


Dear Attorney General Garland,

With the rise of the Black Lives Matter movement and uprisings against police brutality, there have been increasing calls to ensure an end to state violence against Black men and other marginalized US community members. Among the calls for change, many smaller law enforcement departments across the country have turned to a for-profit company, Lexipol, to write their policies for them.

Experts say Lexipol polices prioritize protecting officers from legal liability over Black lives and best police practices. You must begin a Justice Department investigation on the impact of Lexipol policies on marginalized communities in order to promote just changes in policing in the United States.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Chad Davis

One Comment

  1. Lexipol is not the answer. Any company which s for profit is against ideas to make life better for prisoners. Lexipol does seem to prioritize police thus is lopsided in their thinking and objectives. Make up your own manual for how police should act and do their jobs. Don’t rely on a manual simply because it’s cheaper.
    Also in your manual please give sections of concern to children, animals, and women, and people of color. All these groups are not handled well by police officers. Safety instruction for both police and victims will make a huge difference.

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