Target: Ron DeSantis, Governor of Florida
Goal: Stop the senseless killing and harvesting of sharks, and ensure violators are punished.
In yet another display of human cruelty, recently released footage shows two men dragging a black-tip shark from the water and stabbing the innocent animal in the head with a knife. And, worst of all, they seem to have fun while doing it. This incident, which took place on a beach in Florida, has been deemed “totally legal” by Florida’s Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission public information officer, Chad Weber, even though black-tip populations are on steady decline and are near threatened. Despite the horrifically graphic video and pleasure these two despicable men seem to take in killing the poor shark, there is no chance of prosecution because in the state of Florida, it is 100% legal to harvest black-tip sharks in such a manner.
Currently, humans are responsible for killing an estimated 70-100 million sharks per year. At this rate, sharks will be totally extinct before the year 2040. These animals are not only amazing in their own right, but they also serve an extremely important role in ocean ecosystems. As apex predators, sharks are responsible for helping to regulate the food chain beneath them. If sharks become extinct, our oceans don’t stand a chance.
Sign this petition to demand changes to laws that currently allow the senseless killing of sharks in Florida.
Dear Governor DeSantis,
Recent footage has been released to the public depicting two men violently dragging an innocent black-tip shark from the water, and subsequently stabbing it in the head with a knife. The men involved in the incident, which took place on a beach in Florida, looked rather pleased with themselves as they senselessly killed the poor, unsuspecting animal in what officers have deemed a “totally legal” action.
Worldwide, humans kill an estimated 70-100 million sharks every year. This means that by 2040, sharks–which have ancestors dating back 450 million years–may be completely extinct. And, if sharks–the ocean’s apex predators, helping to control populations of all animals beneath them in the food web–go extinct, we will not be far behind.
We are asking you, Mr. DeSantis, to make changes to current laws that permit the senseless killing and harvesting of sharks throughout the state of Florida.
[Your Name Here]
Photo Credit: Mariana Sabogal
Sharks don’t vote so I doubt DeSantis would even look at this, but you never know, maybe someone else in Florida will pay attention and get this issue addressed. The two men are sick, there is nothing good about doing something like that to an innocent animals for your entertainment and kicks.
Sharks don’t vote, but people who care about them do!
Here’s hoping these bastards get stabbed in the head! Fingers crossed.
You would be wrong about this. Change.org said officials said they did NOTHING WRONG.These trash posted a video on social media. Shark did not die right away.
I agree Joanne. These men are sick and ignorant. Who and what are they going to do next?
Why protect their identities by blotting out their faces? Expose these assholes for the monsters they are!
Agree!! Let the good people know who theses ass…. are!
Agree, is this not a public beach? I could understand if it were to “protect” the integrity of an investigation if, for example, a lineup was needed, but since nobody in any official capacity is considering charges, what’s the problem with showing their faces? What, the big macho bullies are too scared and cowardly, they need to be concealed? It’s so much easier being a perverted, sadistic, violent degenerate on the small and vulnerable and defenseless when your faces are blurred? They’re not proud of being killers with psychopathic tendencies? How much longer before they target others of the SAME SPECIES who are smaller and defenseless as well? I wouldn’t trust these violent perverts with a plant much less ANY animal, why doesn’t DeSantis want to keep the public safe? Oh, lol, because that’s not what DeSantis is about, the young and vulnerable can’t vote………….
Just found out Florida has shark killing contests.
If there are other intelligent beings in the Cosmos, is it any wonder they haven’t made their presence widely and publicly known to mankind. Yeah, it’s off-point but still a valid observation. This is just another sickening display of pointless, brainless cruelty. As already stated, no need to block out their faces 🙄 they should be named, shamed and blamed for this act of senseless cruelty. Utter dicks.
DeSantis is an asshole and doesn’t care about us people of FL, how do expect him to care about animals or nature!!
This is a CUNTservative pos and state. Officials said they did nothing wrong so they will not get punished. I saw video.
It’s a dangerous generalization you make. Oftentimes people who don’t care about their fellow man, do care greatly for other animals. In fact, the more one respects life, the easier it is to hate people, who do nothing but harm and kill. Who did you have for lunch or supper?
You mean like Greg Abbott REFUSING to sign bill saying chained dogs outside with short chain is NOT animal cruelty in Texas? Chained dogs in DEAD OF WINTER AND SUMMER IS ANIMAL CRUELTY.
Only low life beings would harm other innocent beings for no reason. I agree show their faces so all their friends and family can see them. The fact that they did this to an innocent shark means they will now do it or maybe have done it to other living beings. These people need to be taken to justice. Florida’s laws need to be changed regarding the sharks. Those in Florida need to contact their representatives now.
Not going to change. Florida has shark killing contests.
Go to the hell where you belong both of you killers! I’m so ashamerd of my own race when I read this kind of things. SHAME ON YOU KILLERS! SHAME ON YOU BOTH! pff!
The same should be done to these two men.
Why cover their faces tonprotect them. Show ther faces. If one can hurt an animal they can do the same to people.
Go to Change.org. Saw video with FACES SHOWING.
Saw a video of this and wanted to vomit. Officials said they did NOTHING WRONG These are CUNTservative states that do NOTHING about animal abuse.
Why are their faces covered. Show them so everyone knows these are abusive men are. How about someone stabbing them in the head or maybe feed them to a pool of sharks.
Steven Spielberg has a lot to atone for.
JAWS WAS A MOVIE.Which means it was NOT REAL.
I hope these bastards get eaten alive
I totally agree!!!
This is disgusting, I’m embarrassed to be part of this sick cruel vile human race that gets their thrills torturing and murdering animals, go Vegan
This “Florida” must be a dangerous place to go, filled with morons and in-bred rednecks. I would not want to go there, I hear this kind of thing happening there daily.
Animal cruelty laws are much worse in red states.
There are ppl vacationing who are the most evil toward precious marine life!!!
Just found out Florida has shark killing contests.
Life would be so simple if everyone just lived by the Golden Rule – do unto others as you would have done unto you. That doesn’t just apply human beings to other humans, it means human beings to animals, to plants…to all of Earth’s life forms.
If you don’t want it done to you, then DON’T DO IT TO ANOTHER…SIMPLE!
Show the faces of these disgusting human monsters. Probably what they did is illegal I don’t know but they don’t deserve to be hidden away. They deserve capital punishment in my opinion. ASAP as soon as you show their faces
Those evil beings deserve to be severely punished !!! Such dangerous being’s !!!
Hang your heads in shame for making such vile and vicious human behaviour legal! These 2 are a disgrace to humanity! Ignorant and cruel despicable humans! Makes my blood boil… and you wonder why there is so much violence in America = here’s your answer! And why are you hiding the faces of these 2 men… from the pic it appears these 2 had not yet violently attacked this shark yet no one did anything to help the shark and stop this attack… stop this hideous violence and abuse to animals!
Stop hiding these ignorant a**holes faces.
If they have done nothing illegal what is the problem? By hiding their faces you are enabling them and others.
if you care about the shark why are you blocking the faces of the thugs that killed it.