​Don’t Force Americans to Get Pregnant

Target: Joseph R. Biden, President of the United States

Goal: Protect contraceptive use throughout the U.S., including in anti-abortion states.

The removal of federal protections on the right to abortion has stripped people with uteruses of their reproductive choice. Now, these people are at risk of losing their choice in actively combating pregnancies to begin with. Contraceptives, including birth control, IUDs, and Plan B pills, are methods or devices—which are either ingested or implemented—that prevent pregnancy. Contraceptive devices do not terminate a pregnancy—they are simply designed to prevent the egg from being released or fertilized in the first place. Even though the whole point of contraceptive devices like plan B and IUDs is that they won’t work if the egg has already been fertilized, many anti-abortion states are grouping these pills together with abortion, throwing away logic and science in the name of oppression.

Many states currently have restrictions against contraceptives—including Arizona, Mississippi, Arkansas, and several others—in which doctors, pharmacists, and other healthcare institutions refuse to even prescribe contraceptives to child-bearing age peoples. The demand for these contraceptives, which are already in short supply, has skyrocketed in the days since the court’s ruling. People are stocking up on contraceptives and other over the counter medications, afraid that they might not have this chance down the line—and rightfully so.

It is very likely that contraceptives—starting with IUDs and Plan B pills—will be banned in states that have restrictive abortion laws. While Roe v. Wade doesn’t specifically target contraceptive use, Justice Clarence Thomas has made statements claiming the court must revisit Griswold v. Connecticut, the revolutionary case that protected access to contraception since 1965. Louisiana has already attempted to pass legislation to equate abortion with homicide, which would criminalize IUDs, Plan B, and other popular forms of contraceptives. Luckily, this law was not passed, for now, but there is no telling about how similar laws will progress in the future. Any such legislation will disproportionately affect trans, gender queer, and women of color who are already restricted in access to these and other contraceptives.

The ban on abortion is just the first step in the long journey to restrict reproductive health, and to strip people with the capacity to get pregnant of their own bodily autonomy. Sign this petition to protect contraceptive use in states across the U.S.


Dear President Biden,

The overturning of Roe v. Wade directly threatens reproductive choice for any and all people capable of getting pregnant. Now, these communities have an entirely new issue to worry about—forced pregnancy. Contraceptives have been federally protected since the ruling of Griswold v. Connecticut in 1965 as a way to prevent unwanted pregnancies from happening in the first place. Despite what anti-abortionists want the public to think, contraceptives are in no way, shape, or form, a type of abortion. Contraceptive devices—such as IUDs, birth control, and Plan B pills—do not terminate a pregnancy. Rather, contraceptives are designed to block the egg from being released or fertilized, preventing pregnancy altogether.

Justice Clarence Thomas, as well as other anti-abortion advocates, have, nonetheless, called for a revisiting of Griswold v. Connecticut and the protection it has provided for decades. Unfortunately, it is looking more and more likely that contraceptive devices—starting with IUDs and Plan B pills—will be banned in states that have restrictive abortion laws. The state of Louisiana has already tried to pass a law to equate abortion with homicide, criminalizing popular forms of contraceptives in the process. Any legislation that tries to ban these methods of pregnancy prevention will disproportionately affect trans, gender queer, and women of color who are already restricted in access to these and other contraceptives.

We are asking you, President Biden, to please take a stance for all American citizens who have been stripped of their reproductive autonomy. Forced birth is bad enough; there is absolutely no need to now force unwanted pregnancies. Protect the use of contraceptives throughout the U.S., including in anti-abortion states.

[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Mg39913201


  1. Christine Needham says:

    Hey dude, IM NOT YOUR COW! Bodily autonomy for Women, NOW!

  2. I don’t think anyone is forcing these women to have unprotected sex!

  3. Force Americans to take birth control and be responsible maybe?

  4. Sarah Roland says:

    We won’t go back.

  5. Shirley Lemieux says:

    Yet another attack on a Woman’s reproductive rights. If there was not such a huge imbalance of sexes in Congress and in the Justices then Women may not be losing their right to abortions and now threatened with use of contraceptives. Let’s face it, whenever the subject of unwanted pregnancies comes up, the burden is always on the Woman dominated by a Mans opinion and decisions. Maybe Women of this Country should demand Men who dictate a Womans reproductive rights get Vasectomies.There’s your answer. No more unwanted pregnancies.

  6. Shirley Lemieux says:

    Yet another attack on a Woman’s reproductive rights. If there was not such a huge imbalance of sexes in Congress and in the Justices then Women may not be losing their right to abortions and now threatened with use of contraceptives. Let’s face it, whenever the subject of unwanted pregnancies comes up, the burden is always on the Woman dominated by a Mans opinion and decisions. Maybe Women of this Country should demand Men who dictate a Womans reproductive rights get Vasectomies.There’s your answer. No more unwanted pregnancies.

  7. Evan Jane Kriss says:

    There are TOO MANY HUMANS on this planet, our numbers are crowding out other species and straining our natural resources to the breaking point. The LAST thing we need is more!!!

  8. I don’t believe in abortion except in certain cases, but taking away contraceptives is just a horrible idea! I had an ovarian cyst at 16 and could not have gotten rid of it without contraceptives to turn off my ovaries. What would other people do in this situation without contraceptives? They also helped me plan my family while my husband worked to make enough money to raise a family. This is the right way to go. No child should be born into poverty. Loving parents know this and strive to do what’s right. Also, some people do not want a family due to age or financial situations. There are enough poor, abused, unwanted children in this world (not to mention, just too many people) to not let people decide their own willingness to have children.

  9. Means of birth control have always been available and easily obtainable in the US, unlike some other countries; but some women prefer to use abortion as contraception. The word “contraception” means to prevent conception before it takes place. Abortion is not contraception–it’s destruction of a living child. The Supreme Court didn’t ban abortion as it has been wrongly accused of having ruled. The Court left it to the individual states to decide according to the will of the people in those states. Stop obsessing on abortion; there are more pressing issues in this country and in the world.

  10. Lisa Finnigan says:

    This goes too far! I’m all for restrictions on abortions IN SOME CASES, but access to contraceptives prevent pregnancies in most cases if used properly.

  11. Manitou Calmstorm says:

    Get real and get a life. No one is FORCING anyone to get pregnant.

    Either they want to or they don’t. That simple.

    I don’t know who started this ridiculous notion nor why, but, it’s ridiculous and unfounded. This is NOT a legitimate petition.

  12. Abby Turner says:

    This illustrates that Republicans’ opposition to abortion is not about “protecting life,” it is about punishing sex. If Republicans genuinely wanted to “protect life” from having to be aborted, they would encourage sex education and contraception.

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