​​Impeach Accused Sexual Predator Brett Kavanaugh From the Supreme Court

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Target: Charles E. Schumer, Senate Majority Leader

Goal: Demand Congress launch an impeachment investigation of Brett Kavanaugh.

Calls for Brett Kavanaugh’s impeachment have been circling since 2019, when news of sexual assault allegations first came to public light. Deborah Ramirez accused Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct back when he was a student at Yale, claiming that he had exposed himself to her at a party, and drunkenly thrust his penis in her face.

Multiple other victims came forward to corroborate Ramirez’s account, saying they had also faced similar cases of sexual assault by Kavanaugh, as well as a former Yale classmate of Kavanaugh—Max Stier—who claims to have bore witness to one such atrocity. The FBI has continuously failed to further investigate many of these claims from other victims, in spite of the victims’ reaching out, eager to have their stories heard. Not too surprisingly, he is one of the four Supreme Court justices who voted to overturn Roe v. Wade. As such, he actively encourages inflicting harsher penalties on people with uteruses than on those who rape and sexually abuse them.

As if this wasn’t troublesome enough, there is evidence to suggest that Kavanaugh deliberately and repeatedly lied under oath regarding stolen Democratic memos. At the time, Kavanaugh was working as a lawyer under the George W. Bush Administration, wanting to move his way up the reigns. Though Kavanaugh claimed—under oath— to know nothing about these documents, there is mounting proof that he was provided access to them. Kavanaugh claims that he did not know the highly confidential, Democratic memos and talking points were stolen, as if they would voluntarily be handed over to Republican officials. These allegations are severe and, if confirmed, would serve as further grounds on which to impeach him.

This man seems to have no respect for women or the judiciary process, as well as the Court’s standards of truth and honor that he is relied on to uphold. It is time he faces the consequences of his alleged actions. Sign this petition to demand Congress launch an impeachment investigation of Associate Supreme Court Justice, Brett Kavanaugh.


Dear Senator Schumer,

Brett Kavanaugh has been the subject of impeachment discussion for many years. Initially, this was due to allegations against him citing that he repeatedly lied under oath—ironically, the very same oath he is currently commissioned to enforce. There is mounting evidence suggesting Kavanaugh had access to stolen Democratic memos and speaking points, despite his claims otherwise. He says he had no idea the documents were stolen, but someone as smart and conniving as Kavanaugh should know that no Democratic Party member would willingly hand over such confidential information to someone working for the opposition who, at the time, was the George W. Bush Administration.

More recently, Brett Kavanaugh has come under fire for allegations that he drunkenly thrust his penis in the face of fellow Yale classmate Deborah Ramirez. These allegations have since been corroborated by multiple other victims who reportedly faced similar misconducts at the hands of Kavanaugh and have been further verified by a witness.  The FBI has largely neglected to pursue this case against Kavanaugh, despite public encouragement to do so. Kavanaugh shows no remorse for his despicable actions, and continues to deny claims against him. Kavanaugh was also one of the four Supreme Court justices who voted to overturn Roe v. Wade, further displaying his total lack of respect towards women. Now, states can enforce policies that force victims of sexual assault and rape to have the unwanted children of their aggressors.

We are asking you, Mr. Schumer, to please let the alleged victims of Brett Kavanaugh—and all women across the country—be heard. Do not turn your back on women when we need your support the most. Launch an impeachment investigation against Brett Kavanaugh and make him suffer the consequences of his apparent actions, for once in his life.

[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Nom d’util

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  • jacci russ
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  • Sandra Dorst
  • Lori Lorentz
  • Maryann Piccione
  • Siân Street
  • Silvia Rocha
  • Alice Rim
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