Target: Joseph R. Biden, President of the United States
Goal: Demand stricter federal punishments for animal cruelty in the U.S.
Millions of animals suffer abuse—whether it be through physical harm, neglect, or abandonment—each year in the U.S.. In most states, cruelty towards animals is still classified only as a misdemeanor. Though there are variations by state, on average, anyone who intentionally tortures, mutilates, or kills a living animal is subject to a maximum sentence of three years in a state prison, or a $20,000 fine. In other states, abusers may only receive a maximum of one year in prison with a $1,000 fine for committing heinous acts against helpless animals.
It shouldn’t be all too surprising that many perpetrators of domestic violence and child abuse also have a history of abusing family pets. Many serial killers and mass murderers—including the likes of Jeffrey Dahmer, Ted Bundy, Gary Ridgeway, and John Wayne Gacy—also got their wicked starts by intentionally inflicting harm upon animal victims. And, as if this all wasn’t enough, shooters behind the mass murders of defenseless children in Uvalde and allegedly the innocent supermarket shoppers in Buffalo had a reported history of abusing animals before moving onto human targets. Salvador Ramos, who killed 19 schoolchildren and two teachers in Uvalde, was said to have “loved hurting animals.” Witnesses had reportedly seen him publicly beat a dog senseless, and noted that he had posted videos of his crimes to social media. In some of these videos, Ramos was apparently seen putting cats in plastic bags and throwing them at the concrete ground and at people’s houses. Similarly, just weeks before he apparently murdered 10 Black people in a crime motivated by white supremacy, the accused Buffalo shooter had stabbed and decapitated a stray cat.
In the aftermath of all these crimes, it is clear that something needs to be done. Tightening legislation surrounding animal abuse would not only save thousands of animals from a morbid fate, it would also help protect innocent people. Had stricter penalties been dealt to mass killers, then perhaps the tragedies they went on to commit would have been evaded; the people who they murdered still able to do the things they love; the families of their victims not still grieving their loss. Sign this petition to demand stricter punishments towards animal abusers.
Dear President Biden,
Each year, millions of helpless animals are physically abused, abandoned, neglected, and killed across America. In most states, cruelty towards animals is still treated as only a misdemeanor. People who are found guilty of intentionally maiming, mutilating, torturing, or killing an animal may face somewhere between one to three years in prison, or a fine ranging from $1,000-$20,000. This sentence is by no means enough, and abusers typically go on to commit similar crimes once they are released.
Cruelty towards animals is correlated with violence against humans. An estimated 88% of perpetrators of domestic violence and child abuse have also been reported to abuse family pets. Many infamous serial killers–including Jeffrey Dahmer, Ted Bundy, and John Wayne Gacy–got their starts torturing animal victims before moving onto humans. In 2022 alone, America has had at least 314 mass shootings, where mass shooting is defined as a shooting incident killing three or more victims. Gunmen in two of these most deadly shootings–the Uvalde School and the Buffalo supermarket shootings–both had reported histories of harming animals. Ramos, who killed 19 elementary school children and 2 of their teachers, had been known to beat little dogs and posted videos online depicting him stuffing cats into plastic bags and throwing them against the ground and houses. Just weeks before he murdered 10 Black people shopping at a grocery store, the Buffalo shooter had stabbed and decapitated a stray cat.
Had these people been prosecuted to the full extent of the law, it is possible these heinous crimes could have been evaded. Animal cruelty is a serious problem, and should be dealt with as such. We are asking you, President Biden, to please take intentional abuse towards animals more seriously and enact stricter penalties against those found guilty of such crimes. Animals, and people, everywhere need your help.
[Your Name Here]
Photo Credit: Alex Hrek
WHEN will the U.S. create an ANIMAL ABUSE REGISTRY??? Animal abuse is a serious crime and often leads to the abuse of other living beings. These people must be treated as the DANGEROUS CRIMINALS they are.
The close link between animal abuse and violence against humans has long been established. It all comes down to compassion and morality, which naturally tend to be low in meat-munching culture.