Return Power to Environmental Scientists in Wake of Global Warming

Target: Charles E. Schumer, Senate Majority Leader

Goal: Return unrestricted authority to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in its regulation of greenhouse gas emissions from power plants.

In the wake of its overturning of Roe vs. Wade, the Supreme Court has delivered yet another devastating blow to the American public. Released in late June, the decision in West Virginia v. the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will severely thwart climate efforts throughout the United States. This ruling strips the EPA of its authority in regulating the emission of carbon and other greenhouse gasses from power plants, holding that they must first seek congressional approval to carry forth with any such actions. The court has motioned that the Clean Air Act–which has been foundational to U.S. environmental policy and which has helped keep power plants’ emissions in check in order to improve the quality of the air we breathe–is unconstitutional. The Supreme Court claims that EPA restrictions encouraging the shift of power plants towards renewable energy sources under the Clean Air Act exceeds the EPA’s jurisdiction.

Despite what the majority Supreme Court might believe, climate change is not a joke. The effects of human activity-induced climate change are becoming more and more apparent, take the unprecedented flooding at Yellowstone this past June, continuously rising sea levels, and record-breaking wildfires. Greenhouse gas emissions continue to be one of the leading contributing factors to global climate change, and by limiting our main Environmental Agencies’ capacity to help regulate these emissions, we are doing a great disservicement not only to our planet, but to every single organism who inhabits it–us included.

There still remains a glimmer of hope. Congress has the ability to pass a law to give the EPA unrestricted authority to regulate greenhouse gas emissions from power plants. If such a law is passed, the EPA will regain its previous control and will reclaim its position as our number one tool against climate change. Sign this petition to demand Congress take action.


Dear Senator Schumer,

A recent Supreme Court ruling has delivered yet another devastating blow–this time, to the entire American public. The decision in West Virginia v. the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has completely stripped the EPA of their capacity to effectively regulate climate-change causing gas emissions from power plants, and requires they seek congressional approval for any future action they might take. This ruling is particularly disturbing at a time of exacerbated climate change effects, including unprecedented flooding, rising sea levels, record-breaking wildfires, and severe droughts.

Greenhouse gasses continue to be one of the leading causes of climate change. The EPA’s Clean Air Act was one of our major combatants against these dangerous substances and helped to reduce air pollution, affording us with clean, breathable air. Now, because of the uninformed decision of a few Supreme Court judges, this act–and all the good it has done–is unraveling before our very eyes. We are asking you, Mr. Schumer, to please pass legislation to undo this mess, and return authority to regulate greenhouse gas emissions back to the EPA. The future of the planet–and, quite frankly, the human race–is at stake.

[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Nom d’util

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1079 Signatures

  • J. David Scott
  • jacci russ
  • Janice Bernard
  • Julia Linke
  • Beate Aurich
  • Andreas Dorst
  • Sandra Dorst
  • Erin Borozny
  • Lori Lorentz
  • Michelle Blackley
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