Target: Idaho’s Attorney General, Lawrence Wasden
Goal: Charge 31 Patriot Front associated men who reportedly planned to riot at an Idaho LGBTQ+ Pride event with domestic terrorism.
On June 11, 2022, a group of 31 men from multiple US states – all associated with the white nationalist group the Patriot Front – were arrested in Idaho as they made their way to a Pride event in Coeur d’Alene. National Patriot Front leader Thomas Ryan Rousseau was among those arrested. Currently the men are being charged with misdemeanor conspiracy to riot.
The United States has a long history of downplaying it’s homegrown terrorists, specifically the role that white nationalists play in domestic terrorism. In fact, it is only in recent years that the FBI began to consider white nationalists groups like The Patriot Front among the US’s greatest security threats.
The Southern Poverty Law Center explains that the Patriot Front is a “white nationalist hate group that formed in the aftermath of the deadly ‘Unite the Right’ rally in Charlottesville, Virginia” and has a manifesto calling for the “formation of a white ethnostate.”
CNN reports the men had “‘shields, shin guards and other riot gear,’ along with papers described by [Police Chief Lee] White as ‘similar to an operations plan that a police or military group would put together for an event.’ White continued to say that “[this] level of preparation is not something you see every day.” Police also reportedly recovered at least one smoke grenade.
Given the above evidence and how well coordinated the police have said this attempted “riot” was, it seems clear this was meant to be a coordinated attack on LGTBQ+ folks to further Patriot Front’s white nationalist aims. Sign this petition to tell Idaho’s attorney general he must not ignore this context and should treat these men like domestic terrorists.
Dear Attorney General Wasden,
Thirty-one men, from multiple US states, and all associated with the white nationalist group the Patriot Front were arrested on June 11th as they made their way to a Coeur d’Alene Pride event. Among those arrested was the national Patriot Front leader, Thomas Ryan Rousseau.
The police who apprehended the men reported they were all well equipped with “shields, shin guards and other riot gear” – and even a smoke grenade – as well as having an “operations plan” similar to that of “a police or military group.” Police Chief Lee White is also on record saying “[this] level of preparation is not something you see every day.” Given what is well known about the Patriot Front and their white nationalist aims, and the groups intended target that day, it seems clear that, had these men not been stopped, this would have resulted in a domestic terrorist attack against marginalized folks to further the Patriot Front’s agenda.
You must consider these men domestic terrorists and move forward with any criminal proceedings within this context.
[Your Name Here]
Photo Credit: Anthony Crider
These right wing trash came to my neighborhood and put hate stickers all over the place and synagogues. POS TERRORISTS.
We need to do everything in our power to dismantle all hate groups and especially White nationalist groups like the Proud Boys, KKK, Aryan Nations, etc. and put a stop to their hared, violence and intimidation once and for all!
A lot more were formed when Obama was potus. Proud Boys. Patriot Front. Oath Keepers and many others. Most do not make the news.3 of pos Proud Boys from N.Y. got 3 years in jail. Only to show up at Capital on Jan. 6th.
Why don’t you people do a bit more research to see exactly who these fools were. This event was staged by the feds. You are specifically targeting just white Nationalist says your just as racist, how about all groups, including BLM, ANTIfA who have burned and destroyed so many cities and killed people without and recourse or punishment.
LMAO!!! Lying qtard MAGAt. ONLY terrorists are RIGHT WING TRASH LIKE YOU.
One of those cuties burned down? My friends live there and they said stop watching CONservative bs sites like Faux News. And RIGHT WING TRASH were arrested in Portland burning down cars and property.ALL ON TAPE. They were the Proud Boys. Try again tRumptard.
This is wrong, but those on the Left need to stop burning down and destroying property and killing people, too. It is dishearting to see everybody commiting so much violence these days.
🤣🤣Another MAGAt. Would you like a website from.LAW ENFORCEMENT saying it is RIGHT WING TERRORISTS? And bs about burning down cities. As i have friends where this city was supposedly burned down.ALL BULLSHIT THEY TOLD ME.
ANOTHER right wing pos with a gun. Photos of Crimo the Highland Park shooter at tRump rallies with tRump flag on social media sites. And his family said NO WARNING SIGNS.Cops said he threatened to kill his family few years ago. All of the tRump trash family needs to go to jail.
Any MAGAt qtard wants a list of RIGHT WING TRASH TERRORISTS for the last 20 years and the new groups formed in last 5 years let me know. I will be happy to give you FACTS. Including the ones who try to kill cops. Kidnap cops, etc. The saying ACAB, all cops are basterds, come from KKK group in the south.