Sign the Petition

Target: Byron E. Gipson, Fifth Circuit Solicitor’s Office, South Carolina
Goal: Seek maximum penalty for rescue director accused of allowing 30 animals to starve to death in cages.
The “smell of death” reportedly attracted police to a home where they apparently found 30 caged animals dead from starvation. The local sheriff has described the scene as one of the worst cases of animal cruelty he’s ever seen. The woman accused of this atrocity must be fully prosecuted.
Reportedly, when officers entered the home, upon confirming the smell of death, they were greeted by a scene out of a horror film. There were apparently 28 dogs and 2 cats, all caged, and all dead. Investigators apparently believe the animals died from a combination of starvation and dehydration. The animals had allegedly been dead for a long period of time before they were discovered.
Additionally, the deceased animals were found lying in their own waste.
The sheriff was quoted as stating, “It’s appalling and it’s heartbreaking. This is someone who was entrusted by the community to care for these animals and find them homes. She betrayed that trust and she betrayed the trust of these innocent animals who relied on her.”
The owner of the home was arrested and turns out to be an animal rescue volunteer and director of a nonprofit herself. If the accusations against this woman are proven true, she must receive the maximum penalty.
Dear Byron E. Gipson,
The “smell of death” reportedly attracted police to a home where they apparently found 30 caged animals dead from starvation. Reportedly, when officers entered the home, they were greeted by a scene out of a horror film. There were apparently 28 dogs and 2 cats, all caged, and all dead.
It has been reported that investigators believe the animals died from a combination of starvation and dehydration. The animals had apparently been dead for a long period of time before they were discovered. Additionally, the deceased animals were lying in their own waste.
Sheriff Leon Lott has reportedly described the scene as one of the worst cases of animal cruelty he’s ever seen.
Sheriff Lott was quoted as stating, “It’s appalling and it’s heartbreaking. This is someone who was entrusted by the community to care for these animals and find them homes. She betrayed that trust and she betrayed the trust of these innocent animals who relied on her.”
The owner of the home was arrested and turns out to be an animal rescue volunteer and director of an animal nonprofit herself. If the accusations against this woman are proven true, she must receive the maximum penalty in this case.
Please prosecute this case with all diligence and provide it the resources necessary to reach a conviction.
[Your Name Here]
I have said this a million times. Until we get tough on animal abuse laws this will just continue. Sighting our name is doing nothing
Agree 100%. ESPECIALLY in South Carolina.
This lying sadistic woman needs serious prison time.
She was supposed to be a animal care taker!?!?
Are you kidding me!?!?
What a fucking disgusting worthless human
I agree
So sick of signing these petitions and never knowing the outcome. If justice is served we need to know. Do these POSs get what’s coming to them?. If there is any justice in this world this bitch will.
This is disgusting and sickening and unconscionable and UNACCEPTABLE. These poor helpless animals. . . Punish harshly for this CRIME.
This CUNT POS LIAR needs to go to prison! No question!!!! DO NOT allow this CUNT POS to be around animals again!
I say let her meet the same fate! Disgusting low life ass wipe. Jail is way to good for this POS!! Put her in one of the same cages and walk away!!! She deserves at least the suffering!!!and she should also experience starvation as well!!! Again our laws will do nothing!! I hope the courts In This case and others start realizing the trash that lives and breath’s among us who should not be here at all!!!! Death penalty!!!
This fucking waste of skin should be thrown into a vat of acid after being disemboweled live. May those poor animals rest in peace.
I hope someone finds this lowlife,locks her up with no food or water & just sits & watches her die. She does not deserve to live because she is mentally unstable & obviously doesn’t care about the life of others
When are we going to start actually prosecuting these horrible people? That is the only way to stop animal abuse. People need to know how badly they will be punished for their actions. Severe punishment is what we need! NOW!
The question is haunting me : WHY ?? it’s so much easier to NOT volounteer, NOT hosting 30 cages, NOT have any animal and NOT live in a f…. stench so WHYYYYYYYY ?Why choose horror instead of easy ? or good, if you dont mind an effort ?!
Exactly!! I foster ONE CAT at a time. And these vokunyeers have known me over 10 years.
The fact that this Woman who caged and starved to death all these cats and dogs while being an animal rescue volunteer and director of a nonprofit is an absolute disgrace. The sheriff was absolutely correct in stating that this Woman is someone who was entrusted by the community to care for these animals and find them homes and she betrayed that trust and she betrayed the trust of these innocent animals who relied on her. So true. I hope the Judge hearing this case knows the immense torture and suffering that all these animals went through by means of starvation.
After what i saw in person what this so- called cat rescuer in my area did I TRUST NO ONE. I will spare you the details. There is a VERY thin line between rescue and hoarding. And i never crossed that line.
Caroline Dawn Pennington, 47, deserves to die of starvation. No justice can be expected from the courts, perhaps street justice?
This selfish cheap bitch better he prosecuted, if it were up to me she’d be caged in her own waste with nothing to eat or drink, mean bitch!
Putting her and likes of her away in a cage without food and water seems just at times….. At minimum prison!!!
Starving her to death in a cage is the only appropriate punishment.
Put her in prison and forget she is there. Do to her what she did to those poor animals
The prosecutors and judges need to stand up to abusers and sentence these sick people to jail or prison. We need a nation wide data base for abusers to keep them from adopting or buying animals ever again.
THIS whore needs to be culled from society! PERMANENTLY!!!!
This vile,mentally deranged animal killing bitch must have the death penalty implemented.A slow and agonising death for this evil cretin is essential.