Target: Byron E. Gipson, Fifth Circuit Solicitor’s Office, South Carolina
Goal: Seek maximum penalty for rescue director accused of allowing 30 animals to starve to death in cages.
The “smell of death” reportedly attracted police to a home where they apparently found 30 caged animals dead from starvation. The local sheriff has described the scene as one of the worst cases of animal cruelty he’s ever seen. The woman accused of this atrocity must be fully prosecuted.
Reportedly, when officers entered the home, upon confirming the smell of death, they were greeted by a scene out of a horror film. There were apparently 28 dogs and 2 cats, all caged, and all dead. Investigators apparently believe the animals died from a combination of starvation and dehydration. The animals had allegedly been dead for a long period of time before they were discovered.
Additionally, the deceased animals were found lying in their own waste.
The sheriff was quoted as stating, “It’s appalling and it’s heartbreaking. This is someone who was entrusted by the community to care for these animals and find them homes. She betrayed that trust and she betrayed the trust of these innocent animals who relied on her.”
The owner of the home was arrested and turns out to be an animal rescue volunteer and director of a nonprofit herself. If the accusations against this woman are proven true, she must receive the maximum penalty.
Dear Byron E. Gipson,
The “smell of death” reportedly attracted police to a home where they apparently found 30 caged animals dead from starvation. Reportedly, when officers entered the home, they were greeted by a scene out of a horror film. There were apparently 28 dogs and 2 cats, all caged, and all dead.
It has been reported that investigators believe the animals died from a combination of starvation and dehydration. The animals had apparently been dead for a long period of time before they were discovered. Additionally, the deceased animals were lying in their own waste.
Sheriff Leon Lott has reportedly described the scene as one of the worst cases of animal cruelty he’s ever seen.
Sheriff Lott was quoted as stating, “It’s appalling and it’s heartbreaking. This is someone who was entrusted by the community to care for these animals and find them homes. She betrayed that trust and she betrayed the trust of these innocent animals who relied on her.”
The owner of the home was arrested and turns out to be an animal rescue volunteer and director of an animal nonprofit herself. If the accusations against this woman are proven true, she must receive the maximum penalty in this case.
Please prosecute this case with all diligence and provide it the resources necessary to reach a conviction.
[Your Name Here]
For each count of murder she needs to get a bare minimum of 20 years. The sentences must be served consecutively! 600 years , no parole for her!
This hoarder pos will not do any time. Do not give a shit about these trash being mentally ill.
not sure “hoarder” describes her – she was a CEO of an animal rescue here in South Carolina
Yes. I think anyone in charge of a rescue can be a sick demented pos. We had a few here in New York.
ABSOLUTELY AGREE…….Just letting her live is a big win for her!!!!!
Carolina Dawn Pennington in Columbia SC – she was (I hope WAS) an animal rescue CEO in SC…..
CEO?!!! Wtf?!!!I guess i should not be shocked. I only know sane people in animal rescue for whom i volunteer. Sane because i have been to thier houses.
Caroline Dawn Pennington is her name! Why hide this disgusting trash’s name?
I agree with you Sarah!!
They should give us her address
Pienso exactamente lo mismo Sara, ya que es una asesina y se merece lo peor!!!!!
What a discussing person living a lie pretending to love animals!
We had an evil pos here in Brooklyn. Pretended to fix feral cats and let them go when ready. He trapped them and drowned them.
This is so horrific! How could anyone stand by and watch those poor animals suffer and die! This goes beyond mental or uncaring. This is EVIL! Yes, she should be locked up for a long time.
Name her … https://globalnews.ca/news/8900855/caroline-dawn-pennington-ceo-animal-rescue-dead-dogs-cats/#:~:text=The%20CEO%20of%20a%20non,to%20animals%2C%20reports%20USA%20Today. Caroline Dawn Pennington
I will not sign until she is named. The owner of the house, animal rescue volunteer, Director and CEO isn’t good enough … name her.
Her name is Caroline Dawn Pennington and there is no place on earth for scum like her.
I looked her up (Carolina Dawn Pennington), because I suspected severe mental illness, and her mug shot is a well-groomed woman. While she probably is still mentally ill, she could take care of herself, and therefore she could take care of her animals, or at least get them to someone who could, such as someone else in the rescue she was a part of.
Nothing will happen to her. Years ago i stumbled in a house of horrors involving cats. I will spare you what i saw. NOTHING HAPPENED TO HER.
This evil being MUST be brought to justice. The wanton disregard for these animals is heartbreaking. These innocent animals died looking for help, probably crying and screaming from hunger. They were putting their little hands out of the cages trying to illicit any kind of food or water but their cries went unnoticed by this callous fiend. PLEASE PUNISH THIS WOMAN AND BAN HER FROM ANIMALS FOR LIFE. I can’t even imagine anyone thinking this kind of torture is OK. SHE NEED TO REFUND ALL THE MONIES SHE RECEIVED FOR THE CARE OF THESE ANIMALS. SHE PROFITED FROM THEIR DEATHS. I really can’t imagine the sounds and smells of their deaths. This is truly horrific as they could not save themselves as they are all locked in cages. 30 CAGES OF DEATH.
Before we get to heavy, we need to ask whether this person is suffering from a mental illness!
DO NOT CARE IF SHE IS MENTALLY ILL. In the end, animals suffer NOT HUMANS. An do not come back here and tell me i have no empathy for mentally ill people unless you know me.
Was there no one like neighbours that could have alerted the authorities before so many of these animals died!?
God’s speed little angels for a happy after life. I am so sorry and sad what she made you endure..
Hang him!!
To me this and there Uvalde shootings are in the same arena. Both tragedies are beyond my comprehension. David mentioned mental illness. OK. This woman lived in this house? No, I wouldn’t think so. At least I couldn’t live with such stench. I wouldn’t think people around her would not recognize some type of problem in her. Maybe they did but just wanted to stay out of trouble. I mentioned the Robb School shooting earlier. So many of these troubled people come from a background of killing and torturing animals. If caught they have sealed records until they turn 18. Yet if the parents had been watching possibly this could have been avoided. We must find a way to get people the mental assistance they need before we face these tragedies. It begins with animals and then humans are not far behind. The Robb shooter was very ill to do what he did and he had been, I believe, involved in animal atrocities prior. Let’s demand real laws to protect animals. Let’s demand more gun laws to prevent teenagers from killing. Let’s demand more mental health facilities and then use them! And parents must not sweep problems under the rug as this is also part of the problem. Let’s heal our families, our country an ourselves. All creatures, great and small, all humans rich or poor, have the right to live in peace and be part of a caring society. As for the woman in this case, if she didn’t;t live there then she should not see the light of day except from a prison cell. To be a protector means doing our responsibility to be just that! In the end it’s called compassion and we need more of it in America.
Still a pos.
Hang this piece of shit
Simply despicable. Lock this degenerate up for life.
This subhuman is pure evil & must be removed from society. Mental illness or not, she was able to plot the deaths of these innocent animals & watch their slow demise while the Devil cheered her on. She has no soul whatsoever. Prison for life.
Truly heartbreaking those poor animals…she knew what she was doing! Give her a 20 year sentence for each animal, before that, cut off her hands n feet, make her helpless as she did these poor animals!! Gods gonna get her!!
Another day, another horrific unspeakable atrocity. Good luck getting justice for these poor victims. Never is there justice when the victims are nonhumans. Never. Because our laws are a joke when it comes to protecting the other animals on this planet. Countless animals are victims of these sociopathic pieces of human sh*t every f’ing day-
Being in animal rescue you are a thousand percent correct. I rarely saw any justice in 20 years.