Target: CEO of Daniel Defense, Marty Daniel
Goal: Stop targeting children with your gun advertisements.
As the U.S. deals with the devastation from yet another elementary school shooting, the country learns the gun used by this latest mass murderer was manufactured by Daniel Defense – a company famous for its incorporation of popular culture in its advertising. These ads are very likely to appeal to teenagers.
The New York Times reports that the Uvalde shooter was a big fan of the “Call of Duty” video games, and bought the assault rifle used in his massacre directly from Daniel Defense a few weeks following his 18th birthday. Daniel Defense’s advertisements frequently feature “Call of Duty” characters. The Uvalde shooting is just one of 27 school shootings in 2022, meaning an average of more than four school shootings take place each month. There have been over 214 total mass shootings in the first half of 2022.
It is clear gun violence continues to be an alarming problem in the United States. Often, it is our most vulnerable community members – our children – who face the risk of being gunned down. Any advertisements glorifying gun ownership and usage are contributing to the U.S.’s gun violence, but directly targeting teenagers – an age group whose thoughts and values are disproportionately influenced by advertising and media – exacerbates these problems substantially.
Former gun executive Ryan Busse told the New York Times that Daniel Defense was, “the poster child [for] this egregious aggressive marketing.” Daniel Defense needs to immediately cease putting profits over lives and stop their usage of pop culture figures in advertising to boost its gun sales. Sign this petition to urge Daniel Defense’s CEO to stop these marketing practices. If the “poster child” stops, other companies may follow suit.
Dear Mr. Daniel,
There have been 27 school shootings in 2022, an average of over four shootings a month. This number is dwarfed only by the total number of mass shootings in the U.S. this year: 214. Advertising practices which glorify gun ownership and usage contribute to these alarming levels of gun violence in the United States every year. Aggressive gun marketing aimed at teenagers, who are highly impressionable and heavily influenced by advertising and media serves to further exacerbate these issues.
Your company’s use of figures from popular culture, such as the use of characters from the “Call of Duty” video game, in your marketing has earned you the label of “poster child” for these aggressive gun campaigns. Your ads may be good for profits, but as you continue to push the boundaries of acceptable marketing, and targeting teens, you push other companies to follow suit. Your advertising practices are actively contributing to substantial harm in the United States. I urge you to stop these marketing tactics immediately.
[Your Name Here]
Photo Credit: Daniel Defense
This is just plain fucked up! It’s hi time there are trained professional security at “EVERY” school in this country.
There should be NO assault weapons sold to ANYONE, period. These are military weapons that should ONLY be used by military personnel in great times of WAR. It is unconscionable and unacceptable that regular people are able to purchase these killing machines.
Exactly!!! These were only created for war and to kill!!!! Period!! What’s the obsession of these weapons?!! People will pay their whole paycheck for this crap! I don’t get it
While I support this petition, it is unfortunate that CEO’s are only interested in making more guns and selling more guns. We all know that Congress puts on a good show when devastating shootings and killings occur but after the dust settles, they will likely bow down to the NRA and the 2nd amendment. Sad but true. Corruption and bribery (special interests) tend to prevail.
My believe is, only policemen and army should have guns. Why civilians need guns? It is heartbreaking to see how many children and people have to die just become some stupid idiot is frustrated with his life and need to gun down innocent children and people.
I also don’t understand why people use this platform to advertise their business?
Only an evil pos would advertise thier business on this site.
Es sollte überhaupt keine Waffen auf der Welt geben und keine Kriege aber der Mensch ist gierig und korrupt und will Macht ,schlimm das es solche Menschen gibt, da werden kriege geführt gegen arme Länder und Gründe werden erfunden um diese kriege zu rechtfertigen.