Target: Dave Sunday, District Attorney of York County, PA
Goal: Seek stronger charges and penalties against accused animal abusers and killers.
A miniature dachshund suffers broken ribs and a collapsed lung. A man pleads guilty to beating his pet dog with a baton. A suspect in a different case pleads no contest to shooting his pet dog in the face. These horrific crimes have two commonalities. They all took place in York County, Pennsylvania. And not one of the guilty parties was sentenced to a day in jail.
All three of the guilty or no contest pleas in these aggravated animal cruelty cases resulted in probation. While some of the suspects were prohibited from contact with pets for a period of time, none of them received the kind of penalty that would have really mattered. In fact, prosecutors seemed to go out of their way to drop more severe charges that may have resulted in jail or prison time.
Sign the petition below to demand these legal leaders stop giving violent animal abusers an easy pass.
Dear Mr. Sunday,
A local newspaper article recently confirmed that cases of animal cruelty are significantly on the rise in York County. With the lax approach the legal system is seemingly taking toward these crimes, it seems little wonder that abusers are not apparently worried about a future behind bars. Within the past several months, the York County prosecutor’s office has let a man who admitted to beating his dog with a baton, a man who pleaded no contest to shooting his dog in the face, and a man accused of giving his dog a collapsed lung and broken ribs walk free with legal slaps on the wrist.
Please stop giving out plea and probation deals to violent criminals, as if they are candy. The next time they appear before you, it may be for an even bigger tragedy that you could have prevented.
[Your Name Here]
Photo Credit: Dominika Roseclay
It seems that Pennsylvania really loves their animal abusers more than their actual animals, they just keep letting everyone who abuses or tortures or kills an animal off free like they just did a good thing! If you do not impose real punishment for a real crime then you are enabling and encouraging this horrific abuse – and it seems like I hear a horror story like this from your state every day and that’s pathetic. Get your act together and quit being idiots.
Sadistic sub-humans like these WILL continue their INHUMANE,abhorrently cruel behavior on HUMANS like YOU AND ME when they get a slap on the wrist and no prison time! We are NOT SAFE when you release them into our streets!!! PLEASE MAKE ANIMAL CRUELTY A FELONY AND PROSECUTE TO THE FULLEST EXTENT OF THE LAW NOW!!!!!!!!!
These are just a bare minimum of the abuse cases against animals. When will animals (domestic AND wild) have rights? Where is our empathy and respect for life?
What the f*ck is wrong with the system here – no jail time – seriously???? Let’s just keep giving them more invitations to beat and kill off the animals. Jesus H Christ what is wrong with people and the system just keeps awarding them for this animal cruelty. These bastards should be shot on the spot for this – never mind jail time – this is horrible horrible abuse. Too many bleeding hearts with all of their bullshit trying to justify the reasons that these assholes do this abuse. I don’t give a shit what their upbringing was all about and what issues they might have had – just don’t care – BUT I do care about the animals and they need to have people with compassion for them to protect them – this system is warped beyond belief!!
These vile scumbag,mentally deranged severe dog abusers must have the death penalty implemented.Slow and agonising deaths for these evil cretins is essential!