Don’t Let Judges Control Women’s Bodies

Target: Kyrsten Sinema, U.S. Senator

Goal: Ensure passage of federal protection for reproductive rights.

“We hold that Roe and Casey must be overruled…it is time to heed the Constitution and return the issue of abortion to the people’s elected representatives.” With these words, the politically appointed majority of the nation’s highest court could overturn decades of precedent, the will of the majority of Americans, and women’s reproductive rights. The statement is confirmed to be from a leaked 90-plus page draft of an upcoming Supreme Court ruling in a case involving Mississippi’s challenge to legalized abortion. If the drafted opinion holds, the most private healthcare choices of women would no longer be guaranteed but would instead rest in the hands of state politicians.

The Senate is poised to hold a vote that would codify legal protections for reproductive rights into national law. In this case, the anticipated Supreme Court decision would hold significantly less weight in nullifying Roe v. Wade because the protections would be ensured at the federal level. One major obstacle stands in the way, however: the filibuster. Currently, any legislation needs 60 votes to become law, which is nearly impossible in an evenly divided and deeply partisan Senate. Almost every Republican is expected to vote against the measure, even though poll after poll shows that upwards of 70 percent of Americans support choice and reproductive freedom.

The filibuster could be ended for this legislation, which would make sure a simple majority vote could uphold the will of the people. At least two Senators, however, still cling to this archaic rule that obstructs meaningful action time and again. Sign the petition below to urge one key holdout to rethink her position.


Dear Senator Sinema,

“A woman, her family, and her doctor should decide what’s best for her health–not Washington politicians.”

“Protections in the Senate safeguarding against the erosion of women’s access to health care are more important now than ever.”

These thoughts came from your own lips, Senator. Were they empty words, or will you back them up? You recently expressed dismay at the leaked Supreme Court draft that will reportedly overturn Roe v. Wade. Yet a short time later, you reaffirmed your support for a policy that will surely doom efforts to safeguard reproductive protections as surely as it has felled other key rights.

You must realize that in this toxic and partisan political environment, the filibuster must go. It can no longer be used as a shield and an excuse for inaction. Women’s healthcare rights for decades are on the line now, and other fundamental human rights issues will surely follow, as well as democracy itself. Do not let a minority of politicians and Americans turn back the clock on progress and hard-won freedoms.

Support an end to the filibuster and support a reaffirmation of women’s rights nationwide.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Andrea Piacquadio


  1. Siham Hajjar says:

    Old decrepit men should not be making decisions on today’s issues, and especially women’s issues.

    • Wait until you hear from Qtard MAGAt Eva Cantu the clown. Love her rants.

    • Tammy+Luppino says:

      I totally agree!

    • Funds have already been set up in N.Y. Jeff Bezos ex is worth over $60 BILLION. Aonng other billionaire donors are getting involved.

    • Comparto totalmente contigo Siham!!!

    • Let women kill their unborn babies, but you can’t refuse a vaccine or you’ll be fired! No more abortions.

    • Lawrence Hallett says:

      What you do not know is ROE lied on the stand and admitted it on her deathbed. Have you seen the pictures of babies in the abortion videos showing they are fully formed and move around and rub their eyes etc? Then they take metal clamps with teeth and start ripping the baby out in pieces like both legs and arms and torso. They leave the head for last as they have to crush it to get it out. They also have abortions to sacrifice to satan secretly as we are run by a hidden government the Illuminati Freemasons.The blood is also used for ADRENOCHROME the elites and Hollywoods biggest secret. BLOOD is harvested from kids and babies in satanic rituals with severe abuse to raise adrenaline and this keeps them young and strong and a huge high. Over 200 abortions a day in the USA alone. The vaccine is a depopulation agenda as thousands have died. C19 is 5G radiation poisoning. WAKE UP view JIM CRENSHAW on BITCHUTE.

      • 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣You qtard clowns are a hoot!!

        • Lisa Allis says:

          Why are you such an abortionist? Why should abortion be limited to the unborn? Maybe abortion should be brought more fully into the society and perhaps children can have their parents aborted at a certain point when the parents no longer serve any of the childrens needs. I mean, why really are people aborting the unborn? Because they have no value and are an inconvenience? There are plenty of people that fit that discription. We should all start really thinking of how best to use abortion to improve society. Isn’t that what its all about, plus making the abortists rich?

      • Another broken cuckoo clock…

      • and you Lawrence, have you seen those videos ? sounds like you need a shot of something to bring you back to, at the very least, a coma.

    • nothing to do with age. no one should have the right to tell a woman what she may or may not do with her body. it is solely her decision and for many a very difficult one.
      politicians and justices have no place in deciding personal issues for individuals and I’m sick to death of their arrogance. gee, I wonder how this last fiasco of leaking roe v. wade happened. could it be the wife of one of the esteemed justices of scotus dropped it at a cocktail party? hmmmm?

  2. The good news? Billionaires will be giving funds to blue states like N.Y. where women will be transported.

  3. It is sickening and disgusting to think that this might happen in the 21st century in America….

  4. Lisette Rosenfeld says:

    Ad we used to say in the 70ies all over the world when we fought for our rights: “my body belongs to me” and noone has the right to decide for me what I do in my life. It is a shame that women have to struggle again in order not to be considered as irresponsable by stupid men who want to show their power!!!

    • Lisa Allis says:

      Why are you such an abortionist? Why should abortion be limited to the unborn? Maybe abortion should be brought more fully into the society and perhaps children can have their parents aborted at a certain point when the parents no longer serve any of the childrens needs. I mean, why really are people aborting the unborn? Because they have no value and are an inconvenience? There are plenty of people that fit that discription. We should all start really thinking of how best to use abortion to improve society. Isn’t that what its all about, plus making the abortists rich?



  6. Freedom thinker says:

    The same people who want rights for women’s bodies also want/wanted/ continue to want complete control over ALL people’s bodies through FORCED vaccinations and illegal mandates!!! Well, actually they are not even vaccines, they are experimental gene therapies without any long term safety, not even safety studies in animals. The same hypocrites leftie half brained, clot shot maniacs. I am completely disgusted by these creatures.
    Its either we DO have control over our bodies in any and all ways, OR we do NOT have control over our bodies and govmts can dictate what to do with our bodies and health.

  7. Gordon sheehan says:

    What about the rights of the child?

    How about personal responsibility. Stop using abortion as birth control

    • Stop watching Faux News. I did.

    • the rights of the child. let all those right-to-lifers take responsibility for the all those babies and the mothers they “saved.” let them provide all the prenatal and postnatal care and all the care a child will need till adulthood.

      and I do not believe that abortion, for the majority, is used as birth control!! that is an idiotic concept.

      • Those are lies from CONservatives. Iused Planned Parenthood twice when i was younger.NOT FOR AN ABORTION.All the women i know now who go are for low cost mammograms that are needed and other services.NOT ABORTIONS. Notice how no one gives a shit when kids get killed by guns?

        • exactly right! planned parenthood IS NOT and has never been an abortion clinic.they are there to help women for many things that are perhaps unaffordable procedures were they to go to an OB/GYN. and as their name states, they can help women PLAN their futures possibly by using birth control and avoiding abortions. or are you asshats also against birth control?

  8. Abortion is not birth control. It’s not an easy decision. I had daughters and worried about having to possibly face this issue. It is mentally a hardship to decide for abortion yet a high school girl should not be forced to have a child, she should be given birth control. If men win the right over women’s bodies it will open the door to deny any rights men feel people don’t need. That includes a lot! Politicians should not have the right to decide as reasons for abortion vary greatly. Even hospitals today force people to live who are suffering and half dead but it’s more money for the bottom line if the patient continues to suffer. It’s also less money the person worked hard for and wants to leave to their family. These are serious issues, too serious for politicians to answer for each individual. This affects lower income people and MAGA wants the babies to live but then what? If politicians want a live baby then they must take care of that child so that they can receive care, education, nutrition, and so much more in order to grow into an intelligent, caring, and capable adult.

  9. tRumptards on here. Where is the outrage on guns killing kids? Where is the outrage that people in Florida might be able to open carry an AK-47 with NO PERMIT?

    • And here it is! Another mass shooting in Buffalo by white supremecist.WHERE IS THE OUTRAGE?!

      • and another one in california. it’s every fucking day!!!!
        as of the other day’s ASSASSINATIONS in buffalo there have been 198 mass shootings since the beginning of 2022 in the U.S.A. this was on NPR news. WTF?

        • LET’ S TAKE GUNS AWAY and see how they like it. Know the stats on guns deaths in other countries? UNDER ONE THOUSAND A YEAR FOR MOST. This is why other countries think America are NUTS WITH THE GUNS.

          • 5/24/2022
            Well Gilda, Here we go again. Another elementary school shooting, 15 dead so far. LITTLE CHILDREN GODDAMMIT !!!!!!
            If nothing happened after Sandy Hook (almost 10 years ago) nothing will ever happen.
            That’s all I’ve got.

        • Still no comments on kids in Uvalde. Shocker!!

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