Don’t Let Famine Kill Millions

Target: Joe Biden, President of the United States

Goal: Donate more financial and food aid to drought-ravaged Somalia.

In a dire realization of the tremendous suffering predicted by the climate crisis, Somalia is a tragic case study. The country has seen barely any rain for the past three years. The resulting severe drought has put over four million people—and many animals as well—at risk of famine. Experts estimate that over 350,000 children could succumb to starvation and malnutrition within months. Other factors are compounding the dangers, including local conflicts, the lingering pandemic effects, and the invasion of Ukraine. The latter issue in particular has caused major shortages and skyrocketing prices of agricultural products like wheat that are largely produced in Ukraine and Russia.

The United Nations (UN) issued an urgent appeal for funding and aid to help these desperate communities that feel left behind and forgotten. Yet so far, donor nations have only pledged four percent of the support requested by the UN. Countries, led by the United States, once withdrew aid from this struggling country. Within a short amount of time Somalia entered a famine that claimed hundreds of thousands of lives.

History cannot repeat itself. Sign the petition below to urge the US to extend a helping and potentially life-saving hand.


Dear President Biden,

While the world’s attention turns to the conflict in Ukraine, an equally critical crisis threatening millions of lives is unfolding in east Africa. The citizens of Somalia once again face the very real possibility of a devastating famine. Civil war, the Ukraine war, and a three-year-long-and-counting drought are laying the groundwork for what the UN calls a “once-in-a-generation” humanitarian catastrophe.

The UN has pled with donor nations to step up with emergency aid and investments in African food production that could help prevent the next tragedy. So far, they have received a tepid and extremely disappointing response from nations that claim they care. The United States once spearheaded an effort to deny Somalia aid because of its then-leadership. A killer famine soon followed. Please do not repeat this deadly mistake.

Somalia is on the front lines of the climate crisis, and their present could very well be our future. Help them survive these horrific challenges. Pledge your aid and support and reaffirm America as a true humanitarian leader.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Oxfam East Africa

One Comment

  1. Biden can’t do everything! America cab’t do everything either. This is a world hunger problem and it must be issued as a United Nations Problem. Putin is a large cause of the upcoming food shortage and he is also the main driver of the climate crises which will be affecting all lives everywhere! Russia produces wheat, make them pay for the damage Putin is doing to the entire world! I am amazed that Putin was even invited to any meeting which concerns peace in the world. Inviting Putin is a travesty. He has done nothing but harm, murder, and deliberately harm everything in sight. Why? He wants Ukraine. Like a spoiled child he asserts what he wants and to hell with anyone or anything else. These Autocrats holding power are the reason the people of the world remain ignorant of the facts taking place in the world, the crumbling climate, and the war which is now raging in Ukraine, the stripping of the Rain Forest, building only secular bombs and being proud of it and the hunger which will kill millions. These Autocrats are not peace keepers who lead the world but barbarians.

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1107 Signatures

  • Janice Bernard
  • jacci russ
  • Lori Lorentz
  • Maryann Piccione
  • Siân Street
  • Silvia Rocha
  • Donna Jones
  • John B
  • Rebecca Martin
  • Emilia Bradley
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