Save Rainforests From Soya Deforestation

Target: George Eustice, United Kingdom (UK) Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs

Goal: Support use of insect proteins for animal feed and broader-based food sources.

A huge swath of Amazon rainforest that is seven times bigger than London has been destroyed in just one year’s time. A sizeable percentage of this deforestation is linked to harvesting of soya, a protein found in soybeans used for animal feed. If major importers could reduce their reliance on this substance, then these South American regions critical for carbon absorption, wildlife habitat, and wildfire prevention could get a much-needed break from destructive deforestation.

One proposed alternative involves utilizing insect proteins in animal food. Nutrient-rich insect proteins have gained traction as a potential “future food” that could not only combat deforestation but also address food insecurity amongst both animal and human populations. Farming insects for this use also has the advantage of its minimal impact on the environment as well as its ability to be implemented in just about any climate setting.

Sign the petition below to urge one of the world’s biggest importers of soya to invest more fully in this promising, environmentally friendly technology.


Dear Secretary Eustice,

When the United Kingdom invested in insect farming start-up Entocycle, it was able to envision a future where soya imports were not destroying vitally important rainforests half a world away. This investment also hinted at a promise of a new food source whose origination could benefit both the environment and the planet’s rising food insecure populations.

As a key member of Entocycle stated, the UK has “a real opportunity to…[become] a world-leader in sustainable insect protein, attracting investment and talent from around the world.” Further subsidization is needed to make this opportunity a reality, however. Please increase support and investment in the limitless potential of insect proteins as an eco-friendly food source of the future.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Andre Deak


  1. If America cares then we need to start planting trees, cleaning up the ocean, cleaning up our water, etc. and saving what all we can to take up part of what other countries are throwing away.

  2. Why should insects suffer?
    Changing animal feed is not the solution. Ending meat and dairy is the way forward.

  3. Insect populations are decreasing. Nature has a master plan and it works. Everything is related to everything else. For now meat and dairy are decreasing and that’s a good thing. But, alas it takes time. This idea from the UK is a heck of a lot better than destroying the rainforests. Leaders are deliberately destroying the rainforests to make way for more feed for more meat. The climate will not allow that. Meat will become scarce. To save the rainforests the people of these. countries need to be told the truth, we will kill the planet if their stupid leaders continue to destroy the lungs of the earth. For now I support the UK’s idea as it’s better than nothing and will not harm the earth, act least I hope not. The tincture of time is always a butt buster but this is one way to help without much harm. Insects are resilient and will proliferate quickly. And it’s a way to help feed wildlife as we won’t make it through this climate crises without our pollinators and wildlife. Insects are always high on their menu! But we also must get Round Up off the shelves as it’s killing us and all living things dependent on each other. People only think the Nukes will destroy the earth but they are no match for Mother Nature. I assure you, if not respected and assisted she will end us all. No one will escape!

    • I agree with you P. Also, the fact that soy is being planted is just another threat. Most likely it is a GMO and Roundup ready. This means that soy is grown with the use of Roundup to reduce weeds. First of all, soy is not a healthy plant to eat, and second, if it is GMO, then the land is also being contaminated with glyphosate! It all needs to end somehow. Ban Roundup and keep the Earth and all life on it safe.

  4. Linda Cummings says:

    This is why there is no hope for humanity. We are a greedy, ignorant self absorbed species, thoughtless and destructive of all things not us.

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