Target: Greg Abbott, Governor of Texas
Goal: Stop overly burdensome inspections hindering delivery of goods from Mexico.
Some of the busiest trade ports into America are at a standstill, keeping an enormous amount of goods stuck in a clogged supply chain along the Texas and Mexico border. An estimated 3,000 trucks a day bring goods into the country along just one impacted bridge. Many of these trucks carry food. In fact, trade with Mexico supplies a full two-thirds of Texas’ produce. Soon, grocery shoppers in this state and well beyond could be feeling the pain of even more supply shortages and subsequent rising prices.
What is the cause of this crisis?…an order directed by Governor Greg Abbott that critics, even within his own party, have called “unnecessary,” “catastrophic,” and “political theatre,” among other terms. In response to border and immigration-focused fights between the two parties, Abbott signed an order mandating highly increased inspections for any commercial trucks crossing from Mexico. These inspections have dramatically slowed down activity at trading ports, leaving supply-heavy trucks in line for hours or even days. Some have been forced to reroute hours out of their way to other destinations. What the inspections have not yielded is their stated goal of busting human and drug traffickers.
Sign the petition below to demand the governor stop the theatrics at the expense of hard-working employees and frustrated consumers.
Dear Governor Abbott,
How is slicing traffic in half at the busiest trading port in the Rio Grande Valley solving your issues with the immigration system? How is depriving Texans–already suffering from price hikes and supply shortages–of produce from your top importer ending trafficking? You likely already know these questions have no real answer.
Just because it is an election year does not mean you get to play games with Washington at the expense of your constituents. The destructive impacts on their jobs and their ability to meet basic needs is not worth a few cheap political points. Nor is the damage done to one of America’s most consistent trading partnerships,
As your own Commissioner of Agriculture stated simplest and best: “end this insanity now.”
[Your Name Here]
Photo Credit: Wbaron
How is this pervert still in power. In his next life he is coming back as a woman when this country has outlawed divorce! Serves him right!
We can always call on Abbott to mess up everything he touches. He needs to get out of politics and onto the stage for his drama. This man needs to get out of public office as he is a hindrance, not a help. He is an attention seeker without any boundaries. He is deliberately stressing the supply lines for no reason. To what purpose? Maybe to blame Democrats? He is entitled to his opinions, we all are, but not to antics which hurt people, business, and progress. He is a thorn in the side of purpose, ethics, and rightful guidance. He opposes abortion but Karma is a Bitch and he is going to be a woman in his next life. LOL I am sure he opposes death with dignity and would gladly force people to suffer horribly until they die just to give more money to corporations which now run most hospitals. Why? For his reelection of course. Dark money and politics is a bad omen.He is the problem. The solution? He needs to be removed from office.