Justice for Guinea Pig and Cat Killed and Sealed in Trash Bags

Target: Thomas M. Quinn III, District Attorney of Bristol County, MA

Goal: Punish perp responsible for deaths of cat and guinea pig to fullest extent.

Two animals, possibly someone’s pets, were thrown away like garbage in a Massachusetts parking lot. Pedestrians discovered the deceased animals sealed inside of trash bags. A badly decomposed guinea pig was found in one of the bags. The other bag contained a cat that reportedly died from several skull fractures.

The veterinary report on the cat indicated that the animal did not succumb to an accident. This finding, in addition to the animals being taped inside of garbage bags, points to a deliberate act. Authorities are currently investigating the tragic incident. Anyone found responsible for this apparent animal cruelty could face up to seven years in prison under Massachusetts law.

Sign the petition below to urge prosecutors to pursue the maximum punishment when a suspect is identified.


Dear Mr. Quinn,

The Acushnet police and the Animal Rescue Leage of Boston are currently seeking information about the discovery of two deceased animals inside a recreation area. The injuries to the animals, as well as their placement in sealed garbage bags, signals they met a horrific end by human hands. Whether these animals –a cat and a guinea pig – were abused by a caretaker or targeted for torture and death, they deserve justice.

Moreover, the person or people who hurt vulnerable living beings in such a cruel manner need to be taken off the streets. Please follow up with this disturbing case and seek the most severe penalty in the event of an arrest.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Anjie Qiu


  1. This active cruelty was perpetrated on someone who loved those animals as well as the animals themselves. This is psychopathic/narcissistic abuse; these people need to be taken off the streets forever! These are the people who currently run our world wake up folks!

  2. The evil cruel killer must be forced to suffer the same abuse with the same outcome. Animals and humans alike are not safe around an evil punk(S) like this. They must be removed from society forever so they and never hurt/kill any living thing again. IMO

    • Charleen Murphy says:

      Yes! I saw kids who acted stupid to magpies today, one idiot said have you got something wrong with your eye, do you want something wrong with it?!
      & what are you staring at?
      & one threw a stick at them. What weak pos! Hope they didn’t get hurt when I left.
      I talked to them& gave a couple a chip. I said stuff to the kids

      • Julia Edinger says:

        Thank you !!! for being that voice for those innocent animals🙌🏼 I pray those young evil criminals left them alone……

  3. Barbara Garrison says:

    Probably another teenager. Some of the youth today are meaner than rattlesnakes. No one is teaching them compassion, accountability, personal responsibility, or right from wrong. This is the future of our country!

    • Joyce O'Malley says:

      Humans should be put in prison – that hurt and kill animals – and never released
      What’s even sicker is people are doing this kind of predator stuff more and more
      Our society is damned

  4. Animals shall NOT be VICTIMS of human sadistic psychopaths!
    Animal cruelty shall be treated as any human cruelty.
    These poor animals deserve justice – just like YOU and ME.
    MAX JAIL for this perpetrator. He must also be forbidden from owning animals ever again!


  6. Jacquie. “ says:

    Please find this Monster!!

    Put out a description of the cat and Guinea pig and show pictures that are suitable for TV. If they came from the same home, someone can identify this torturous, evil, killing monster that should be in prison.
    He will kill again

  7. What’s to be said? It is ACTION that must be taken. The perpetrators are beings from Hell and we should return them.

  8. Raymond Stevens says:

    The only justice suitable for the psycho perp is death.

  9. Jaime Perez says:

    Whoever did this is a soulless devil and needs to be punished severely. These precious animals didn’t deserve this ugly fate. Humans can be so cruel and inhumane to the innocent animals.

  10. Nadine+brundage says:

    Sick, evil trash is on the loose and if not found these sadistic killings will continue. Anyone who commits such horrific cruelty needs life in the nearest mental institution.

  11. These people should be put in jail.

  12. Breanne Bennet says:

    RIP 🙁


  14. Michelle Stewart says:

    Whoever did this must be found and charged severely. Person must spend 12 years in prison with no early parole, pay a $500,000 fine, and be banned for life from owning or going near any animals ever again. Real justice would be to kill the person the same way that the person killed the cat and guinea pig

  15. So so sad, horrible, disturbing and disgusting!!! Please find this sicko! I fear this won’t be their last victims. Poor guinea pig and cat. They suffered so much!! So sad!!

  16. Agree all comments do the same to them. Nothing but cruel cunts and need to be punished. What is justice going to do about it. Beat them and throw them in trash to die slow thats what they deserve not jail to easy. Also give to animal lovers to deal with first. Name and photo them too so we can see them .


    • Charleen Murphy says:

      Insane!! Filthy weak scum!! Evil. Hope someone does the same to them. I feel sick now😞 😫😢 poor beautiful animals

  18. I agree with all of the comments. I have said this time amd time again “let the punishment fit the crime – an eye for an eye” but that would take balls! Will any judge be man enough ? If this type of justice was handed out you would wipe out animal abuse and cruelty practically overnight

  19. The evil worthless (SUB)humans who harm animals in any way such as this deserve to die. Is it wrong to think so … NO, Because if they don’t have compassion for the animals they hurt or kill. Why should compassion be shown to them? I honestly do NOT care how old they are or any reason they come up with. They are shit and deserve NOTHING but the same treatment

  20. Humans don’t deserve animals. These few good people who write here to defend animals are among those who care about all living beings. Yet this world is full of those, governments included, who would see animals for entertainment, food, or pets. If we welcome a pet into our homes we must treat them as our own family. It’s both our pleasure and responsibility. Yet there are those who just make money off animals and when done with them dispose of them in any manner at all convenient to themselves. There are shelters but these horrible people don’t even take the time. These are the same people who expect others to do their work to save the planet so their reached lives can continue. They give nothing and demand everything. Our government needs to make it a FELONY to harm an animal in any way. A felony means act least 7 years in prison. We need to write more often about making ALL states, without exception, demand a felony sentence for ALL crimes against animals. We eat animals but we could make their lives a little better, yet we don’t. We no longer wear fur but mink farms are still operating in this country. We say we are against trophy hunting but our government allows UPS, FED EX and others to deliver animal parts to our front porches. The BLM, a government agency paid for by our tax dollars, does round up of wild horse and burrows by helicopter which frightens the animals. Those animals living though that are sold for adoption for $1000.00n a piece. Then the supposed adopters keep that money then sell those very animals to slaughter houses in Canada and Mexico for more money Breeders breed and sell animals to science for $$$. We allow wet farms to function here in this country. The government does nothing to allow wolves, bear, elk and many others to live free. Humans steal habitat. We allow corporations to poison the water for all wild animals along with us too. We continue allow Bayer and Monsanto to spray chemicals killing bees, bats, and birds. If the bees die, humans have only 4 years after that to live, then we all die. We have micro plastics in our blood but has anything been done to stop plastics? The oceans are the way in which we live and breathe but plastics invade them beyond repair. Big Oil who, through politicians who have been paid to vote by lobbyists for Oil and Gas and Coal, from the 1950’s have known this planet would die without being watched over as not to put the earth in danger. But enter Politicians, which in Greek was a lofty position but now is scum of the earth. All? No, but most. Are we all lazy idiots? And all this does not even include the damage done to the climate by war. Putin needs to really suffer for the crimes he has done to people, animals, wildlife, and the climate! Thanks to him we have much less time to try to help the climate. He is the epitome of what it means to have everything and throw it all away just to add to his legacy. His legacy will be that of the worst tyrant in history. Why? Because are supposed to be more intelligent now, yet those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it! This world is run by fear! And we wonder why no beings from outer space, fi there are any, want to visit us. They are not stupid and know we are! They want to live in peace but they see we don’t! Shame on us!!! Shame on our selfishness, shame on our greed, shame on lack if compassion, shame on our eternal consumption of self interest, shame on this world and people who could do something but won’t. Shame on all of us!

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