Justice for Guinea Pig and Cat Killed and Sealed in Trash Bags

Target: Thomas M. Quinn III, District Attorney of Bristol County, MA

Goal: Punish perp responsible for deaths of cat and guinea pig to fullest extent.

Two animals, possibly someone’s pets, were thrown away like garbage in a Massachusetts parking lot. Pedestrians discovered the deceased animals sealed inside of trash bags. A badly decomposed guinea pig was found in one of the bags. The other bag contained a cat that reportedly died from several skull fractures.

The veterinary report on the cat indicated that the animal did not succumb to an accident. This finding, in addition to the animals being taped inside of garbage bags, points to a deliberate act. Authorities are currently investigating the tragic incident. Anyone found responsible for this apparent animal cruelty could face up to seven years in prison under Massachusetts law.

Sign the petition below to urge prosecutors to pursue the maximum punishment when a suspect is identified.


Dear Mr. Quinn,

The Acushnet police and the Animal Rescue Leage of Boston are currently seeking information about the discovery of two deceased animals inside a recreation area. The injuries to the animals, as well as their placement in sealed garbage bags, signals they met a horrific end by human hands. Whether these animals –a cat and a guinea pig – were abused by a caretaker or targeted for torture and death, they deserve justice.

Moreover, the person or people who hurt vulnerable living beings in such a cruel manner need to be taken off the streets. Please follow up with this disturbing case and seek the most severe penalty in the event of an arrest.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Anjie Qiu


  1. Avatar photo Torah Wolf says:

    And those that exploit hurt and kill God’s creations for sport for fun will find an angry God I’m sure on the other side when they pass and in this life they are considered an abomination to their holy Father… There’s no doubt in my mind that God does not bless these people instead he gives them cursings because this is a truly evil generation in the time of the fig tree

    • Sorry. But God will not punish trash. THE LAW MUST. And that will not happen.

    • Victoria Salter says:

      Do you eat meat? Do you think God will be angry at everyone who chooses to eat meat or slaughters animals for a living?
      Do you think it is hypocritical that most people love animals and would claim to be against animal cruelty, but still eat meat?

      • Nanette Marie Valencia says:

        I’m not holier than thou, I do eat meat

        Regardless, all animal torturers should be punished. That includes the men in factory farms who are cruel

  2. This vile,mentally scumbag animal killer must have the death penalty implemented and nothing less.A slow and agonising death for this evil cretin is essential! OH YESS!!!!

  3. I will hunt and kill off humans who do this. Find their children tie them up and burn their kids alive. Bbq babies

  4. Rose Coffey says:

    Please find the creep or creeps who did this to these innocent animals. Anyone who can do that needs to be locked away from the rest of the world. I hope this comes back to haunt them.

  5. Andrew+Wells says:

    Hang them!!!

  6. Andrew Wells says:

    Then hang them again!!!

  7. Hope they do a number on who ever did this tie them up and beat them to death

  8. Praying these people get their just reward. It just amazes me how many demented sick people there are in this world. They can’t fight with a person so they take it on lesser things little animals. Horrible horrible senseless act

  9. Dolores Proubasta says:

    Anger and frustration make compassionate people sound no better than the monsters who torture and murder animals. It is understandable. But that doesn’t further the cause of animal welfare and natural rights. No one is going to hang this murderer (if they find it) much as it would be just. Instead, let’s urge law enforcement and the Law to take crimes against animals as seriously as crimes against us … because they always are precursors of things to come.

  10. Another Sociopath on the loose.

  11. William Foreman says:

    Stop the terrorism/genocide on Ukraine.
    Ban all cat meat trade.

  12. Please hunt down these cunts and slice out their organs one by one. I hope these fucking shit will experience karma as hell on Earth.

  13. This is so cruel and disgusting. Please find the heartless evil MONSTER that did this to these poor helpless animals and punish him or her SEVERELY for the pain, suffering and TRAUMA that was caused to these animals. This is inexcusable and unacceptable and INFURIATING.

  14. Find the SCUMBAG POS And put them behind bars for a long time. Let us come back big butt raped every day for life.
    Federal law needs to change and any scumbag that abuses an animal needs to be punished with a felony and jail time

  15. Maria Bertrand says:



  16. Evan Jane Kriss says:

    This sick twist is a CLEAR DANGER TO ALL LIVING BEINGS. Find and prosecute to the fullest extent of the law for egregious animal abuse, cruelty and murder. LOCK HIM UP. BAN him from ever purchasing, owning, caring for, living with or working with any animals ever again!

  17. Shirley Lemieux says:

    I hope somebody, somewhere, has video around that parking lot of whoever dumped these animals that were killed and then placed inside of a trash bag. Sadistic torturous animal killer criminals like this do not deserve one step in freedom on earth.

  18. Could face up to 7 years. We all know that won’t happen. It’s time the courts handed out these sentences. There is blood on their hands every time they let someone off. Shame on you all.

  19. What else to say more about all this shit that these humanoid still do to poor innocent creatures???? What else to add???… Unfortunately it was a big big mistake but that s it now… It is just matter of time to go the right way that this scumbag humanoid deserve!!!! The good ones are really a few… That s why all this madness will never end!!!!

  20. Please figure out who did this. This has a serial killer in the making written all over it. That’s how they start, with small animals and work up to women and children. This is scary stuff.

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