Target: Bill Stanley, VA State Senator
Goal: Support ban on sale of dogs and cats to laboratories.
A beagle-breeding farm in Cumberland, Virginia recently ignited outrage when an undercover investigation revealed alleged repeated violations of the Animal Welfare Act. Dogs were reportedly kept in sweltering hot conditions for hours, deprived of food, and subjected to painful and unnecessary medical procedures. Thousands of dogs were at the facility, and many have been put up for adoption. While these animals are safe, countless numbers are still at risk. Just like the place detailed in this ForceChange petition, the breeding facility currently under fire bred animals for eventual laboratory experimentation. The calls for reform at a state-wide level have been answered.
Governor Glenn Youngkin signed a legislative package drafted in response to the Cumberland incident known as the Beagle Bills. These newly enacted laws ban any sale of dogs or cats for experimentation. Moreover, they strengthen standards for breeders to stay in business and toughen penalties for Animal Welfare Act violations.
Sign the petition below to thank one of the legislators instrumental in codifying these needed protections into state law.
Dear Senator Stanley,
The alleged pervasive animal cruelty that took place at the Envigo breeding facility presented the spark for reform. Thank you for lighting the match and carrying the torch over the finish line. The passage of the Beagle Bills will help ensure a better life not only for these innocent animals but for all four-legged Virginians.
Your long-standing commitment to animal welfare issues is appreciated by everyone who values the lives of these vulnerable living beings.
[Your Name Here]
Photo Credit: Timo Piredda
It’s about time! I am extremely happy that finally beagles are safe from the lab torture! Thank you for making this possible.
Well done.