Target: Kevin Stitt, Governor of Oklahoma
Goal: Do not make abortion a felony in the state of Oklahoma.
Once again, politicians that claim they care about personal liberties and minimizing government’s role are hypocritically inserting themselves into the most private parts of their constituents’ lives. Oklahoma’s supermajority legislature just passed a bill that would make almost all cases of abortion a felony punishable by up to ten years in prison. This latest maneuver from a place that has already eroded women’s reproductive rights is part of a troubling trend of states willfully flaunting federal laws and precedents that have been in place for decades.
These politicians try to paint themselves as pro-life saviors rather than instigators of the next battle in the never-ending culture wars. Yet they represent a state that currently ranks in the bottom ten in the nation in infant mortality rates and in childhood wellness. They do rank in the top ten in one key category, however: child poverty. It seems these opportunists are only interested in a child’s life when it benefits them politically.
Sign the petition below to demand these so-called leaders start focusing on bettering the lives of their youngest citizens instead of attacking women’s rights.
Dear Governor Stitt,
You have condemned mask and vaccine mandates. You signed a Second Amendment Sanctuary bill into law and in the same breath supported an effort to criminalize another federally affirmed right: the right to abortion. Do you not see the disconnect here? Do you really not recognize the hypocrisy in railing against government overreach and deprivation of personal liberties while gleefully intruding into a woman’s most private heath choices? You cannot make laws that break the law simply because it’s politically advantageous for you.
Moreover, it seems your interest in a child’s life ends once that child is actually born. If you’re truly concerned about children in your state, how about supporting policies that tackle the nation-leading infant mortality rates and child poverty rates in Oklahoma? Stop trying to use wedge issues to further drive a wedge between your constituents. And don’t further your political fortunes off the broken back of women’s reproductive rights.
If you really believe in small government, personal liberties, and children’s well-being, do not put your signature to this disgrace of a bill.
[Your Name Here]
Photo Credit: Larissa Puro
The body, in my opinion, is represented by the owner. I own my body and you own yours. It is not just about abortion but also other issues which require a person to exert the right to choose for themselves. In the case of extreme pain until death, I would argue compassion. It is again the person suffering who has the right of decision, not hospitals nor doctors. We all must die but why make it so painful and so fearful? The choice of others does not impair your choice not to decide for yourself but your choice to not allow others to decide can make a lifetime of torture or give a life by rape or incest to a body who must carry that burden their whole life not to mention the burden carried by the family. What gives any of us the right to decide for another who has the brain capacity to decide for themselves? If this is seen as sin then their sin is not yours to carry. But the reverse is also true. Forcing anyone to do such makes it a sin to do so by force or coersion. There are limits on what anyone can force upon another, or at least I would hope so. The last example is Russia forcing itself upon Ukraine. All situations seem different but all may be, if not the same, then closely related.
But it isn’t about a woman’s body. It is about the living body of the baby in her womb. Why are you talking about Putin? What about the assault upon the poor little baby that wants to live and be born. Why do these women go out and get pregnant and then want to kill the unborn baby in their wombs. Maybe they should just get sterilized if they don’t want babies, not have sex, or use some kind of protection. Killing the unborn is a pretty brutal way to avoid the responsibilities of parenthood.
Are you this rabid about the death penalty and effective gun control? How many imperfect, unwanted children have you adopted?
OMG seriously Oklahoma – what did all of you bastards just come out of the dark ages? Who in the hell gives men the right to decide decisions over a women’s body – WTF is wrong with all of you. You want to make abortions a felony in your god damn state then maybe you had better insist that all men have vasectomies that way the playing field would be equal! Your state officials may as well be part of Putin’s army – you are nothing but a bunch of communist losers – not a single person should ever have a say in what a woman’s decision is over her own body – NONE OF YOU!!!
But it isn’t about a woman’s body. It is about the living body of the baby in her womb. Why are you talking about Putin? What about the assault upon the poor little baby that wants to live and be born. Why do these women go out and get pregnant and then want to kill the unborn baby in their wombs. Maybe they should just get sterilized if they don’t want babies, not have sex, or use some kind of protection. Killing the unborn is a pretty brutal way to avoid the responsibilities of parenthood.
If you are raped, you ABSOLUTELY deserve the right to abortion. Let me know how you feel when it happens to you. People don’t care about the baby once it’s born, so don’t even pretend to care about it BEFORE it’s born. You only care about controlling the rights of others. No one should be forced to give birth against their will.
What “body of the baby?” It’s a clump of cells that, when compared to other species at the same stage, I highly doubt you would be able to pick out as “human.” Are you this protective of plant seeds “wanting to live and sprout?” Are you picketing against the death penalty? Are you a regular donor to charity organizations that help to feed and clothe the homeless and low-income among us? If you’re advocating for “life” then you need to advocate for ALL life. I’ve seen what people do to kids they don’t want, and believe me, abortion is the kindest solution out there for some.
If you are claiming to be “pro-life” and are against abortion, I’m assuming you are ALSO against the death penalty, and actively advocating FOR gun control, and programs that help homeless and low-income families feed and clothe their children while providing medical insurance. If not, you are not “pro-life,” you are “forced-birth,” and a raging hypocrite. Abortion is a decision that needs to remain between a woman, her doctor, and God. If you are not the woman in question, the doctor, or God (and it would be absolute blasphemy for you to claim the latter), keep your nose out from between another woman’s legs. You don’t know the situation, you are not a party to the situation, so you have no say in it unless you are planning to adopt every last unwanted/abused/imperfect child that you force into this world, feed them, clothe them, keep them safe and educate them into adulthood. I am so sick of the holier-than-thou people who think they should run other people’s lives when they can’t even control their own.