Stop Forever Chemicals From Poisoning Food

Target: Dr. Robert M. Califf, Commissioner of the US Food and Drug Administration

Goal: Endorse ban on deadly PFAS in food packaging.

They’re resistant to corrosion, heating, and water. They’re a combination of carbon and fluorine. They’re in several major products in industries that include manufacturing and fast food. And, in high enough doses, they could kill you.

PFAS, also known as forever chemicals, have been linked to a number of chronic health conditions, from cancer to immuno-deficiency to severe COVID-19. Human beings come into contact with these chemicals in a variety of ways. Perhaps most dangerously, they have become fixtures in many containers that hold food products. The chemicals can seep into the foods, which is later ingested directly into the body. People who frequently eat fast food, for example, often have abnormally high levels of PFAS in their systems. And a recent study that evaluated several prominent food manufacturers and fast-food chains found varying degrees of the chemicals in every product under review, even when the companies had publicly claimed elimination of forever chemicals from their goods.

California took an important step by banning intentional incorporation of PFAS into products sold on the market. Sign the petition below to urge this important initiative go national.


Dear Dr. Califf,

Americans are ingesting an untold amount of dangerous, toxic chemicals every day…with the government’s approval. PFAS are present in a variety of goods, but especially in the packaging of food products from both stores and restaurants. These chemicals then go unfettered into the bodies of unsuspecting people, exposing millions to toxins that could cause cancer and a host of other debilitating health conditions.

This country has declared war on drugs and other public health menaces before. Now is the time to follow California’s lead and take up arms against this insidious threat. Support a ban of intentional PFAS exposure immediately.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Freestocks


  1. Maria Bertrand says:

    Dr. Robert M. Califf,

  2. Maria Bertrand says:

    Dr. Robert M. Califf..

    You are a doctor! So why do we have to ask to have food options THAT DO NOT POISON US.

    It is ridiculous to even have to sign this petition. Why would it ever be acceptable to put poisons in food EVER!!!!

  3. Shirley Lemieux says:

    I would be willing to bet that many people are completely unaware that so much food packaging contains PFAS. How does this even happen that poisons are entering the blood stream by items that are being sold to us? Packaging that will also end up buried in the ground contaminating the soil and water. The Commissioner of the US Food and Drug Administration should endorse a ban on deadly PFAS in food packaging.

  4. If you really want to stop this then stop eating fast food and other items that are loaded with hormones and chemicals. The onus is on you. So long as there are useful idiots who continue to buy their products then the supplier will not stop manufacturing them. It’s simple business 101 – supply and demand.

  5. These toxic chemicals should have been BANNED and OUTLAWED a long time ago.

  6. William Foreman says:

    Stop the terrorism/genocide in Ukraine

    Ban all cat meat trade

    The war in UKRAINE confirms this statement.
    The slaughter-industries POISON and DEHUMANIZE our planet!

    – Leo Tolstoy.
    This quote proves my statement.
    The slaughter industries DEHUMANIZE and POISON our planet.

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  • Janice Bernard
  • jacci russ
  • Lori Lorentz
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  • Maryann Piccione
  • Esther Lance
  • Siân Street
  • Silvia Rocha
  • Amanda M
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