Target: Justin Driscoll, President and CEO of New York Power Authority
Goal: Eliminate power plants that are causing respiratory problems for residents.
South Bronx residents are fighting with New York Power Authority (NYPA) to get rid of power plants that have been damaging their community for nearly 20 years. The residents describe the area where the plants are as a “toxic soup” of environmental hazards. When the NYPA introduced the power plants, they were meant to be temporary. Now, years later, they are still there along with even more. Many activists and residents have called for their removal, but no one is listening. The NYPA says all they can do is try to have them completely gone by the year 2035. Residents are calling that “too late.” The damage is already done and waiting almost fifteen more years will cause an insurmountable amount of health risks.
There are currently 10 power plants in New York City and one on Long Island. In the South Bronx area there are six. Residents think that six too many. They are voicing their concerns and their personal stories about health problems their families are experiencing. One resident that lives near the power plants said three of her children deal with asthma and she has recently had respiratory health issues. The residents say they are struggling to breathe, especially in the humid weather during summer.
Sign below and demand the President and CEO of the New York Power Authority eliminate the power plants from the South Bronx area way before 2035.
Dear Mr. Driscoll,
New York City residents are urging something be done about your harmful power plants. These plants are causing major health issues amongst both children and adults. If you wait until 2035 to do something about this issue, many more residents will be affected by respiratory health issues.
We demand the NYPA eliminate the power plants from the South Bronx area before the year 2035.
[Your Name Here]
Photo Credit: Bna55