Stop Killing Monkeys to Make Elon Musk’s Brain Chips

Target: Elon Musk, CEO of Neuralink

Goal: Stop using monkeys for experimentation on new technology.

Elon Musk has confirmed that monkeys have died during his new Neuralink project of creating a brain chip. Macaque monkeys have been used during testing of the new technology, and had chips inserted into their skulls during experiments.  This chip is said to communicate with computers through a small receiver, which would allow humans to control technology from their brains. A non-profit group that advocates for alternative methods to animal testing has spoken out.

The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM) sent a letter to the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) requesting an investigation into the alleged abuse of the monkeys, which they believe violates the Animal Welfare Act. The letter alleged that nearly 23 monkeys used for experimentation by Neuralink were showing signs of suffering. Neuralink’s response was that the monkeys were “humanely” put down after any terminal surgery that was performed, and that everything they are doing meets the federally mandated standard. They are also being accused of using “BioGlue,” which destroys parts of the monkeys’ brains. These monkeys are suffering and dying. Demand an alternative method for testing the new technology that does not include using animals in the process.


Dear Elon Musk,

Monkeys being used in your new projects’ experiments are greatly suffering. There are many other alternatives to using animals in testing a new technology. There is no need to put innocent monkeys through pain and death for it. Alongside PCRM, we demand to see immediate action being taken to save these animals. There is no humane way to put down an animal after pain and suffering directly caused by your experiments. We urge you to find a new path and assure the public you will be doing so.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: NVIDIA Corporation


  1. Disgusting monster!

  2. Jim+Takahashi says:

    This egomaniac megalomania has already done so much damage to the planet, the world and nature including animals of course. This monster is a typical product of AmeriCancer and must be stopped.

  3. Agree all comments put it in this cunts head.

  4. What the hell? This is disgusting. And all for a most ridiculous experiment. Shame on you Elon Musk!

  5. Therese Kutscheid says:

    Why doesn’t Elon Mask let put those Brain Chips into his head. Maybe something would be set right in his brain.

  6. He needs to use his family and friends!!

  7. I hope this autistic narcissist will get his head out of his fantasy world and realize that what he is going to these animals is abuse and cruelty. A narcissist like him doesn’t care as long as he gets what he wants. He needs to be stopped.

  8. Wait and see what your afterlife is like, if you don’t see justice in this one. It’s called karma, and yours is really, really bad, Elon. Terrifying, actually.

  9. Diese elenden Verbrecher.

  10. Jackie Pflucker says:


  11. sylvia vegas says:

    What a disgraceful monster!
    Hell is awaiting him!


  13. Let’s use his family instead of monkeys then he just may stop this….
    The vile money grabbing bastard…
    Lock him in a lab…… accidentally lose the key

  14. Shirley Lemieux says:

    Elon Musk is well known for being a man of great wealth. However, what we now have learned is that Elon Musk uses his wealth to torture and experiment on animals. In this case monkeys. After reading about chips being implanted in the brains of Monkeys, it became clear that Elon Musk is really not just a man of great wealth but is also an Evil man. Even if this experiment had been successful in implanting chips into the brains of Monkeys, what human being would want to risk their lives by having their skulls cut open in order to place a chip inside the brain just to communicate with computers or technology? I personally did not know the name of Elon Musk too well other than his name would be mentioned regarding his wealth. But after reading the amount of money he invested in this sick experiment on Monkeys, I can assure everyone that I will never forget his name and or the torture he inflicted on the lives of innocent monkeys. Because to me, he is nothing more than a sadistic human being.

  15. Peter Fenwick says:

    That motherfucker has lots of money but not an iota of compassion I will never buy any of his shitty products. An asshole of the first degree.

  16. Elon – you are such a champion for us on so many levels. But animal testing is not admirable – it’s cruel and inhumane. I was very dismayed to hear that your company engages in it, since you appear to be so enlightened otherwise. Please stop testing on animals. If you need to experiment, how about using animal abusers instead? That would be a more appropriate use of your technology. Don’t let all your charitable deeds be in vain because of this travesty.

  17. Anne Elizabeth Ljung says:

    This is not ok

  18. Piece of shit with too much money and stupid ideas. Invent warp speed and I might be impressed.

  19. Christie Cleek says:

    Look you whiny ass bitches, Mr Musk is not killing monkeys, and even if he were, what about you assholes who whine about this and turn around and go out hunting, killing beautiful mountain lions, bobcats, lynx and such?

    You profess this is justified? Well it isn’t. You’re just wanting to rag on Mr Musk to make yourselves sound all big and bad and like you pretend you’re “in control”, do you really think he gives two shits what you think?

    He doesn’t.

    • Go and lick Elons ass you fawning wanker

      • We are in control, we don’t kill Bobcats and we don’t care what you or he thinks!! We do care about animals, especially when they’re tortured for “experiments” why don’t you volunteer for “Mr. Musk!”🤣🤣🤣

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