Justice for Cat Reportedly Shot in Revenge Killing

Target: Sean McCormack, District Attorney of Cumberland County, PA

Goal: Prosecute man accused of shooting and killing his alleged victim’s pet cat to the fullest extent.

An innocent cat allegedly became the victim of one man’s ire. The cat was reportedly shot and killed by a BB gun. Steven Robinson has been arrested and charged with aggravated animal cruelty.

The incident apparently unfolded at the home of the cat’s pet parent. According to accounts of this woman, Robinson arrived at the premises and harassed her. He then allegedly fired at the cat with the gun. Before leaving, Robinson also reportedly threatened the woman if police were called. As a result, the suspect also faces additional charges relating to the supposed threats and the alleged discharge of the gun.

If he is found guilty, Robinson needs to be held fully accountable. Sign the petition below to demand prosecutors seek the maximum possible punishment.


Dear Mr. McCormack,

As a new district attorney, you likely have many cases on your roster. Please do not let the case of Steven Robinson slip through the cracks. Robinson is accused of intimidating and threatening a female victim and of shooting her pet cat to death with a BB gun.

If these charges prove true, Robinson represents a clear and present threat to the community you took an oath to defend. Please ensure that both of his alleged victims receive due justice by pursuing the most severe penalty available.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: David Corby


  1. This motherfucker should be curbstomped on a daily basis. He deserves zero mercy.

  2. George Blais says:

    Hang the cunt upside down and suck out his ear drums. I hope like hell this piece of putrid shit will pay for it.

  3. Mandy Collins says:


  4. Mandy Collins says:

    Torture him

  5. Mandy Collins says:

    Torture him and then ki him
    Sub human

  6. Animals shall NOT BE VICTIMS of human sadistic psychopaths! Animal violence shall be treated as any human violence. This innocent cat deserves JUSTICE – just like YOU and ME.
    MAX JAIL or DEATH PENALTY for this lowlife human scum!

  7. This poor Cat had to Suffer, HEARTBREAKING!!

  8. MARY+C+SEDILLO says:


  9. Shirley Lemieux says:

    There are alot of men like Steven Robinson who take their revenge and aggression out on the most innocent and vulnerable victims as a means to get even with the person that they are angry with. That is what bullies and cowards do. Crimes like this should be taken very seriously. This must have been a traumatic event for the pet parent who took witness to the killing of her cat and an event that will likely play over and over again in her mind. May the hands of Justice seek the ultimate conviction for Steven Robinson.

    • Annette & Jeff says:

      We totally agree Shirley however sadly the system in some states is not harsh enough for animal cruelty cases, it can easily be looked up but nonetheless the punishment seems to rarely fit the crime, and human garbage of this magnitude should just be removed from the face of the earth. Period!! SIGNED!!

  10. I believe humans like this should be beaten, raped and tied in worst elements until they DIE suffering painfully of course!!!!. Humans like this should be immediately removed from earth. Hopefully Covid kills him.

  11. J. Scarborough says:

    I am so sick and tired regarding all the animal abuse charges…where the creeps who abuse animals get away with a slap on the wrist!!!

    Wasn’t there supposed to be HARSHER PENALTIES FOR ANIMAL ABUSE??!!

  12. Agree with the comments!!

  13. This POS will most likely just get a slap on the wrist, when he deserves to be SHOT!

  14. American Girl says:

    This 2″ inbred piece of shit needs to be culled from society. God forbid he has bred at all!

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