Justice for Cat Reportedly Shot in Revenge Killing

Target: Sean McCormack, District Attorney of Cumberland County, PA

Goal: Prosecute man accused of shooting and killing his alleged victim’s pet cat to the fullest extent.

An innocent cat allegedly became the victim of one man’s ire. The cat was reportedly shot and killed by a BB gun. Steven Robinson has been arrested and charged with aggravated animal cruelty.

The incident apparently unfolded at the home of the cat’s pet parent. According to accounts of this woman, Robinson arrived at the premises and harassed her. He then allegedly fired at the cat with the gun. Before leaving, Robinson also reportedly threatened the woman if police were called. As a result, the suspect also faces additional charges relating to the supposed threats and the alleged discharge of the gun.

If he is found guilty, Robinson needs to be held fully accountable. Sign the petition below to demand prosecutors seek the maximum possible punishment.


Dear Mr. McCormack,

As a new district attorney, you likely have many cases on your roster. Please do not let the case of Steven Robinson slip through the cracks. Robinson is accused of intimidating and threatening a female victim and of shooting her pet cat to death with a BB gun.

If these charges prove true, Robinson represents a clear and present threat to the community you took an oath to defend. Please ensure that both of his alleged victims receive due justice by pursuing the most severe penalty available.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: David Corby


  1. Joyce O'Malley says:

    PACT ACT is federal law in the USA
    No contact with animals for life
    This jerk should also be prosecuted for harassment and domestic violence

  2. michelle taylor says:

    All animal abusers internationally must have the mandatory death penalty implemented and nothing less.

  3. Julia Edinger says:

    I AGREE WITH michelle taylor
    “All animal abusers internationally must have the mandatory death penalty implemented and nothing less.” This kind of “Evil “ is VERY DANGEROUS !! Must be severely punished ,,, do not let them go free to torture AND murder ever again !!!

  4. Cathy+McCormick says:

    This POS lunatic is out of control. Prison is the only option! Animal abusers and animal KILLERS need to be given the maximum penalty! Lock him up!

  5. This guy is guilty. Even worse, he’s guilty of being vengeful, spiteful and ignorant. I hope he received imprisonment for killing this innocent cat.

  6. Maria Bertrand says:

    Agree with you Joyce.

    Dear Sean McCormack, Please get this slime psycho what he deserves. Murder 1… long long jail time….huge fine and ban from ever touching another animal! Robinson is not fit to walk free!!

    Please get the maximum justice for this innocent little cat victim as you would a person. Animals are sentient beings and the law should always protect them because they have no other recourse!!!

    Each and every case of animal torture should be looked as with the extreme seriousness as any human case. MAKE THIS STOP ONE CASE AT A TIME…PLEASE!!!!!

  7. Shoot the bastard!

  8. Pets, to many people, are family members—furbabies. Please keep this in mind. I am so tired of animal abusers not being punished as if they had hurt or killed another human. It’s about time that people who hurt animals are given the same sentence that they would be given if they had hurt another human. This poor innocent cat deserves justice!

  9. this garbage belongs in jail for good

  10. debra goldstein lustig says:

    Find and prosecute this scumbag to the full extent of the law and hopefully someone will beat the living shit out of him as a revenge killing

  11. This cruel evil punk deserves NOTHING LESS THAN THE SAME ABUSE HE COMMITTED – WITH THE EXACT SAME OUTCOME…IMO One way or another this evil punk MUST BE REMOVED FROM SOCIETY as he is a menace to all… IN MY OPINION

  12. I agree with all the above comments. This man is a absolute menace to society and deserves the harshest punishment available..

  13. What a POS!! Good Riddance!!


  15. I wish it was legal to kill animal abusers/killers,he needs his head slammed between 2 cinder blocks until his brains spill out of his head.

  16. Go directly to prison. Animal murder is murder.

  17. Piece of rubbish doesn’t even qualify to be called human. The kindest thing for this sad pathetic excuse of a human is to mete out the same thing to him… shoot him with a BB gun until he eventually dies of his wounds and then goes to hell.

  18. Crucify the bastard upside down and let him hang there for days and days and days for all the towns people to see

  19. Barbara Garrison says:

    If he’s found guilty? What does it take today to prosecute animal killers? They are psychopaths, sick and twisted. Do you want them running loose in your neighborhood?
    Courts must get serious about animal cruelty cases, and call it what it is- a murder committed by a psychopath.

  20. I agree with everything written here.
    I would also like to hear some follow-up on the many petitions I sign. Do these vile people ever get brought to justice, is justice ever found for these abused animals???

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  • wesley burnett
  • Janice Bernard
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  • Catherine Livingston
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  • Lydia Lafferty
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