Success: Leading Executioner State Abolishes Death Penalty

Target: Ralph Northam, Governor of Virginia

Goal: Endorse end of death penalty as unfair instrument of punishment.

The death penalty and its controversies have returned to the forefront of public consciousness. Since 2020, a sudden ramp-up in federal executions brought condemnation, as highlighted in this ForceChange petition. Shortages of drugs used in lethal injections have also occurred, prompting the state of South Carolina to consider joining just four other states in reinstating firing squads as a method of death. For decades, advocates have called into question the fairness and humanity of a punishment that for many amounts to legalized murder. Now, as its nearby neighbors try to ramp up executions, in the summer of 2021 Virginia will become the first Southern state to abolish capital punishment.

This move marks quite the transformation for a state that once led the nation in executions, with more than 1,250 in its history. Debate has swirled around the death penalty in Virginia particularly because of its frequent usage and due to a troubling finding that 80 percent of inmates put to death in the past century were minorities. Governor Ralph Northam cited these statistics when he signed the bill striking down capital punishment into law in spring. It will take effect formally in July, when Virginia becomes the 23rd state to outlaw the death penalty.

Sign the petition below to support the end of an archaic, inhumane, and discriminatory government practice.


Dear Governor Northam,

You recently stated, “ending the death penalty comes down to one fundamental question…is it fair?” You answered this question for Virginia when you helped end its deadly legacy as the U.S. state with the most executions. No other developed, industrialized country utilizes capital punishment for a reason.

For many Americans, the death penalty is not justice delivered, but a perversion of the concept of justice. Thank you for joining roughly half of the states in this country by striking down this barbaric relic that has too often been used as a weapon of division and inequity.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Karolina Grabowsk


  1. Karen Redd says:

    Too bad.

  2. Cindy Miller says:

    I’m sorry but I believe in the death penalty
    for the right crime, I believe that’s the only
    way to to stop the crimes!

  3. Jaime Perez says:

    I wish the death penalty on animal abusers!! They deserve no mercy.

  4. I believe many of these monsters definately deserve the Death Penalty. Why should the Tax Payers money keep these monsters in Jail where they are allowed the best of treatment and help.
    Many of these monsters have taken a life of innocent men, woman and children and committed other sickening sadism and evilness. Why should these lowlife psychopathic arseholes be allowed to live on the Tax Payers money.
    I agree with Jaime Perez comment. “I wish the death penalty on animal abusers!! ( Animal torturers and animal murderers). They deserve no mercy”. This is the only way that all these psychopathic monsters are stopped.Eradication from the planet. Good riddance to the filthy vermin on our planet.

  5. Karen Redd says:

    If the scumbag deserves it- FRY THE MOTHERFUCKER!

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  • Lydia Lafferty
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  • Siân Street
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