Target: Joe Biden, President of the United States
Goal: Encourage expansion and protection of voting rights in the United States for every eligible American voter.
March 7, 2021 marked the 56-year anniversary of “Bloody Sunday”: a violent attempted suppression of civil rights marchers in Selma, Alabama. The legacy of this historic event has driven and shaped the continued fight for full and equal voting rights for all Americans. This ForceChange petition and its supporters compelled lawmakers to take up the important cause in honor of one of the 1965 Selma protesters, deceased Representative John Lewis. Due in large part to the vigilance of advocates, American leaders are finally listening.
President Biden commemorated the anniversary by signing an executive order promoting a host of enhanced measures fighting against “discriminatory policies” and “limited access” that discourage so many minority and disabled citizens from exercising their right to vote. Federal voter registration plans, modernization of online voting access information, and comprehensive state voter registration assistance are emphasized in the order. The president also put his full support behind a bill recently passed by the House of Representatives, the For the People Act. This resolution, if signed into law, would create an automatic national voter registration system, expand absentee and early voting opportunities, and ban large-scale voter roll purges.
With so many states taking unprecedented steps to limit rather than expand voter access, such decisive and continued actions could go a long way in securing the right to vote for every American. Sign the petition below to support this decades-long fight for equality at the ballot box.
Dear President Biden,
Bloody Sunday will always serve as a reminder of the blood, sweat, and tears shed for the value that is the beating heart of democracy: the right to vote. Emboldened by disinformation and outright lies, too many leaders across the country have chosen to hammer away at instead of upholding this most fundamental American right. From closed and inaccessible polling sites to voting roll purges, more proposals are currently working their way through state systems that would disenfranchise rather than encourage citizens from voting.
Thank you for taking an important and decisive step in the right direction with the executive order you signed on the anniversary of the Selma marches. Your support of the For the People Act and the resolution named in honor of Representative John Lewis could truly set a stronger and better course for democracy going forward.
[Your Name Here]
Photo Credit: Theresa Thompson
No part of our government has the right to attempt the removal of voting rights. Every American has the right to vote. The people must stand together to support this right to vote. There are politicians who would do away with our right to vote. We can’t allow that to happen. America is great and our democracy strong due to our right to vote. If we don’t like the representatives, they are not representing us but only themselves, we vote them out. Being in politics is not a country club life but often they fall I love with their own image and forget who they need to serve. Who ? They serve the people!!!!!! Should they forget? Goodbye.