Success: Muslim and Transgender Ban Abolished by Biden

Target: Joe Biden, President of the United States

Goal: Support elimination of restrictions that targeted Muslims and transgender Americans.

Highly controversial executive actions that endorsed discrimination in the travel world and in the U.S. military helped shape a divisive human rights legacy for the previous administration. This petition and this petition on ForceChange called for a reversal of the ban on travel from Muslim-majority countries and the ban on transgender military service, respectively. The new administration has listened to the outcry against these human rights abuses by banishing the arbitrary dictates.

On January 20, President Biden signed an executive order striking down travel restrictions into the United States directed at citizens of seven countries. Since people living in these nations are overwhelmingly part of the Islamic faith, critics widely viewed this  ban as a fulfillment of former President Trump’s pledge to keep Muslims out of the country. Another executive order signed five days later eliminated a ban seen as an unnecessary assault on transgender Americans. With this ban lifted, all Americans who want to serve and protect their country are free to do so again, without regard to sexual or gender identity.

Sign the petition below to hail these important restorations of human rights.


Dear President Biden,

The Muslim-centered travel restriction and the ban on transgender military service were among the earliest and most contentious actions of the Trump administration. These dictates coldly struck at individuals who have already endured marginalization and oppression. In the case of the military ban, this heartless action also punished Americans who spent their lives in service to their country.

Thank you for honoring your promises and ending these unjust and un-American bans. Please continue to fight for the free and fair treatment of all human beings.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Slow King


  1. Sergeant, US Army, Retired says:

    Stupid. The purpose of the military is to kill people. Even the non-combat arms are there to help kill people, and if things go bad, to kill people. Nothing else matters.
    If it helps the military kill our enemies then do it.
    If it harms that ability it should be avoided.
    If it does neither then it doesn’t matter and should be based on cost.
    Transgender need daily medication. Hard to guarantee in a combat zone when delivery vehicles are attacked and blown up.
    It takes years to complete and recover from the surgery. A person on a 4 year enlistment will spend over half of it in recovery, unable to do their job. At best some light duty clerical work, mostly likely stateside. Which means that someone else will have to take their spot, unfairly, at hardship or less desirable locations outside the US. It’s the luck of the draw, but it takes them out of the possibility so the odds of everyone else getting those locations goes up, while that person is guranted an easier duty location.

  2. That’s right biden, don’t disappoint us, we knew you and your POS anti-Americans goals were destroying our country lol. You’re signing executive orders faster than the blink of an eye without THE FAINTEST idea what they’re for, – that’s a president? GOD HELP US, you’re such an inept stupid DH fool that you wanted to put terrorists ahead of Americans getting vaccines. LMFAO lol, and this is what was crookedly voted as our president? Like I said, GOD HELP US.PRESIDENT TRUMP’S number one goals were FOR Americans, this POS’s goals are against us. Just wait give it time, especially after the marxist *itch takes over to totally destroy our country, you stupid hypocrites will be whining your azzes off and we will laugh at you.

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