Target: Derek Sandison, Director of the Washington State Department of Agriculture
Goal: Show support for dedicated eradication of murder hornets.
Murder hornets are invading the shores of North America and viciously murdering the country’s honeybees. ForceChange members recognize the importance of eradicating these invasive pests to protect the native ecosystems. If the murder hornets are not stopped, it will have dire consequences for us all.
These large, destructive insects decapitate whole colonies of honeybees in a matter of hours, and feed their young with the stolen brood. Thankfully, the Washington State Department of Agriculture has stepped forward and spent a busy season locating and eliminating nests of murder hornets. A single nest containing 200 queens was found and destroyed.
Any remaining murder hornets have either died as winter arrived, or entered hibernation. But the state agriculture department is still working hard to prepare for next season. They are assessing current traps, working with the public on reporting sightings, and actively preparing for possible emergence in the spring.
Honeybees are a vital part of nature, and we can encourage and applaud the government for their swift and dedicated extermination of the invasive murder hornet.
Dear Mr. Sandison,
I want to thank you for your department’s dedicated extermination of the invasive murder hornets on our shores. The local honeybees are no match for these evolved killers, and your team is doing an excellent job protecting our defenseless, and crucial, pollinators.
It is good to hear about the eradication of a large nest containing over 200 queens. It is also encouraging to learn that your team is dedicating the winter months to prepare for another year of vigilance and action.
I applaud the government’s dedication to the environment, and the protection of the vital honeybees.
[Your Name Here]
Photo Credit: Elaine Thompson
No bees no food.
Well, a lot of people see them as pests, but we need them more than ever. We should treat them likes Kinges (BEE kings and queens) and worship them, that’s how important they are
Thank you for recognizing the VITAL ROLE of honeybees in the environment and in food production. Murder hornet eradication should be done EVERYWHERE NOW.